Chapter two:

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Tony's POV

           I drove over to the Fuentes house, jamming out to Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy. I parked next to Jaime's black Escalade and grabbed my guitar out of the backseat, and wondered if I should ask if we can bring Mallory on tour with us. I walked into the open garage and waved to Mike. He was tapping on his cymbal.

"Hey Tony. Vic and Jaime are inside, getting their stuff." Mike smiled. Vic walked out, singing a song. Jaime was stretching.

"Hey Tone!" They waved to me.

"Hey guys, can I ask you something?" I asked. Everyone looked at me.

"Well, you all know Mallory's birthday is in a few weeks, and I was wondering if we could bring her on tour with us? I don't want her spending her birthday alone." I said, running my fingers over my guitar strings.

"Dude, you don't even have to ask. Mallory is always welcome to come on tour." Vic smiled.

"She'll be pysched to hear about this." I said, and we got to practicing.


I opened the front door and all the lights were off, and my bags were packed by the front door. Mallory's bedroom door was open, and I heard her practicing Lost In Stereo on her guitar. I walked up the stairs and peeked my head in her room. She was laying on her bed, holding her red and black Fender and the amp was sitting on the floor next to her. Her fingers slid over the chords easily. She had her headphones in her ears. I flipped her lights on and off and she ripped her headphones off, and stopped playing. A smile lit up her face.

"Hey Tone. I, uh, packed your bags. I'm really going to miss you. Are you really going to be gone for 8 months?" She asked. I nodded.

"But, I have a birthday surprise for you. All you have to do is pack your bags and I'll tell you when you get downstairs." I smiled, and walked out. A few minutes later, Mallory came downstairs with 2 duffle bags.

"Alright, so what's my surprise?" She asked, adjusting her Stheart beanie. A loud rumbling sounded outside, and I smiled. I opened the door and a big bus sat idling by the curb.

"That." I chuckled, as Mallory ran out, squealing.

"I'M GOING ON TOUR WITH YOU!" She said, attacking me in a hug.

"Come on, let's get in." I laughed, and Mallory ran inside, and collapsed on the ground. I put our bags in the back lounge and went back to help her up.

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