Chapter nineteen:

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Vic's POV

         I stretched my arms reached over, hoping to feel Mallory's warm body pressed against mine. My arm fell limply on her side of the bunk and I opened my eyes quickly. Her side was cold and empty. I got up and yawned.

"Jaime?" I said, putting my hand over my mouth. I shook my head after my yawn and saw Jaime sitting on the couch, next to Tony. They were staring at the ground, doing nothing. They didn't seem to hear me.

"Guys?" I said, walking over to them. Tony turned his head and stared at me. His eyes were glossy and red, and burning with hatred. He slowly got up, not breaking his gaze with me. Jaime put his arm over his legs, putting him back down. Tony looked away from me.

"What's going on guys? Where's Mallory?" I asked. They didn't answer me. I turned towards Mike's bunk, and flung the curtain open. Empty.

"Where the fuck is Amber and Mike?" I said, frustrated. No one answered me. I didn't bother looking in Casey's bunk. I knew he would be there, but he wouldn't know where anyone was. I sighed and looked at my phone. A text from Mike appeared.

Mike: How the fuck can you be sleeping? IN THIS TIME?!

I shook my head, confused.

Me: What do you mean? Where are you, Amber, and Mallory?

Mike: We're at the hospital.

Me: Is Amber okay?

Mike: Amber's perfect. And so is our baby girl. But Mallory isn't. And it's all your fault.

Me: I'll be down at the hospital in a few minutes.

Mike: Don't bother. No one can see her, and she can't see you.

Me: Why not? What did I do?

Mike: For one thing, you fucking cheated on her! YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHAT SHE'S BEEN THROUGH. You promised you would never, ever, EVER break her heart. And you did. And another, she tried killing herself. Vic, she loved you. So much. She cut herself so deep, that she lost tons of blood. She got insanely drunk, and then when we found her, she had a cut on her arm that said 'Vic x'. Vic, she will never forgive you. I hope you know that.

I dropped onto the ground and felt tears hug my cheeks.

"What the hell did I do?" I whispered. I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Jaime over me, an expressionless look on his face.

"Why did you do it, Vic?" He whispered. I shook my head.

"I don't know. I was too drunk to operate." I cried.

"She might not make it, Vic." Jaime said. I started crying harder.

Why the fuck would I do this? To the girl I loved the most?


I got up and ran out the door. I ran down each road and each block to the hospital. Once I saw it in the distance, a feeling deep down in my stomach pushed me further. I kept running until I came to the front doors in the emergency department. I pushed them open, panting. The receptionist looked up at me.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"Mallory Perry." I said, leaning over, trying to catch my breath.

"She is in the ICU. I'm sorry sir, we can't have any visit-"

"I NEED to see her. I have to." I cut the receptionist off. She looked at me, startled.

"And of what family relation are you?" She asked. I scrambled through my mind for an idea. Can't say boyfriend. Can't say brother. Can't say friend.

"Husband." I mumbled. The receptionist gave me a slip of paper and I ran down the hallway to the ICU doors. I flung them open and looked for the curtain with the correct number. I stopped in front of Mallory's curtain and slowly opened it. I looked inside and almost screamed. Mallory was laying on a hospital bed, her arms covered in red cuts and she was insanely pale. I closed the curtain and she opened her eyes slowly. I sighed in relief.

"Mike? Is that you?" She croaked, turning her head towards me.

"No, it's Vic." I whispered, grabbing her hand. She looked at me. At first, her blue eyes were bright. Then they darkened. She yanked her hand away and glared at me.

"Get the fuck out of here, Victor. I don't want to see you ever again." She growled at me. When she said that, her eyes teared up. But she didn't cry.

"Mallory, listen to me." I begged.

"Why? You did this to me, Victor. You caused this. This is all your fault. It's your fault I'm like this! IT'S ALL YOUR GODDAMN FAULT!" Mallory screamed at me. Her tears spilt, hot and fast.

"Mallory, please!" I said, standing over her.

"NO!" She yelled. She tried hitting me, but she fell back, weak. She was laying there, crying.

"Mallory, please listen to me." I whispered. She didn't say a word. Just cried.

"I was too drunk to do anything. She came onto me. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm so sorry." I pleaded.

"Like sorry's going to fix everything? Is sorry going to take back my cuts? Is sorry going to make me forgive you?" Mallory said quietly. "Vic, I love you. No matter what you do to me, no matter what happens, I'll always love you. You're the first boyfriend I've had that actually cared about me. But I don't think I can take you back. You've broken my heart." She whispered, and closed her eyes. I grabbed her hand, and she didn't take it away. I didn't say anything to her. I just remembered everything.

Cara did the exact same thing to me.

She broke my heart. She tossed it around. It was like a little toy to her.

And I just did the same thing to Mallory.

I dropped her hand and walked out. I walked down the hall and into the birthing center. I looked at the names written on the doors, and came across Amber's name. I gently knocked on the door and I heard footsteps. I stood back, and the door opened, revealing Mike's smiling face. Once he saw me, his smile faded immediately.

"I just want to see my niece." I whispered.

"Fine." Mike said, and stood back so I could walk in. I walked around and glanced at Amber. She was laying down, a little girl in her arms.

"Hey Vic." Amber said, coldly. I sighed. I really messed up. I bent over and looked at the baby. Her eyes were closed, and she was sucking on her teeny thumb.

"Do you mind if I pick her up?" I asked. Amber reluctantly handed her over to me.

"What's her name?" I asked, not taking my eyes off her.

"Brooklyn Mallory Fuentes." Mike said. I looked at him, and he was smiling. I looked back down at Brooklyn. I had always wanted a baby. I was hoping to have one with Mallory, but I ruined that for sure. I blocked the light from her face and she yawned, and opened her eyes. They were a bright blue.

Like Mallory's.

She gave me a tiny smile, and I smiled back.

"Hi Brooke." I whispered, a kissed the top of her little head. She made a little noise, and I gave her to Mike.

"I'm going to go back now." I said, and walked out. I peeked back in Mallory's curtain, and saw her laying there, asleep. I walked back and went back to the bus. When I got back, I laid on the couch and closed my eyes.

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