Chapter eleven:

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Tony's POV

            I opened my eyes to the sound of snoring, birds chirping, and horns honking on the freeway. I poked my head out and I saw Mallory, wearing black sweatpants and a red We Came As Romans shirt. She was drinking a vanilla Muscle Milk, her headphones in her ears, and looking at her phone. Her hair was in a ponytail, the many layers sticking out. Her bangs were hanging down. The purple and blue highlights she got in her bangs looked even deeper in color today. I hopped down, and pulled a sweatshirt on. The heater on the bus must not have turned on. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down next to her. She pulled an earbud out, and looked at me.

"Morning Tone." She smiled.

"What are you listening to?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

"My country music." She said, blushing.

"Don't be embarrassed by what you listen to. It's what makes you, you." I said, swaying to the left and bumping my arm against Mallory's. She grabbed it in pain.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry." I said, looking at her.

"Gotcha." She smirked, her eyes glowing. I snickered.

"Hey Tone, do you think I could get a tattoo today? Maybe a new piercing too?" Mallory asked, taking her earbuds out, and walking over to an outlet, plugging her phone in.

"I think the guys will let you out of their sights for a while. But won't the piercings and tattoo hurt, since you aren't used to the pain?" I asked. Mallory shook her pain medication bottle, pointed to her casted leg, pulled her shirt up a little and motioned towards the white gauze wrapped around her like a shirt, her many bruises, and the deep scratches on her arms and legs.

"No. And besides, this stuff is like, novacane for the body." She said, shaking the bottle one more time. I chuckled.

"What do you want done?" I asked.

"I want my eyebrow piercing, and I want a tattoo that looks like my side is getting laced up." She said.

"That would look so cool." I said, nodding in agreement. "Well, go get dressed and I'll take you." Mallory got up and waddled towards the back lounge and closed the door. A few minutes later, she appeared, wearing an Attila shirt and black skinny jeans.

"How many band shirts do you have?" I asked.

"My entire wardrobe is band shirts." She shrugged. I grabbed the rental car keys and walked out. Mike was leaning against the bus, letting a cloud of smoke escape his lips.

"See ya little kids." He said, smirking. We loaded into the car and drove off towards the tattoo parlor.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked, looking over at Mallory.

"I'm still hurting. But I'm going to be practicing my guitar all day." She said, smiling.

"Do you have anything huge you want to do on this tour?" I said, pulling onto the freeway.

"Do the acoustic cover of Fame >Demise, sing Therapy with All Time Low, and do a cover of another song with you guys. I dreamt about that last night. But then we'd have to get permission from Woe, Is Me, ask All Time Low, and since you guys are so busy, I'd just be bugging." She shrugged.

"Did you bring your guitar with you?" I asked.

"Yeah. I put it..." Mallory trailed off.

"Put it, where?" I asked, smirking.

"You know, that one place." Mallory stumbled. I laughed.

"You lost your guitar!"

"No, I just misplaced it." Mallory tried.

"Don't worry, I know where it is." I laughed and swerved off the freeway, and stopped at a red light.

"Do you think we could go get me a Rockstar and gummy worms? I need something sweet." Mallory asked, and we pulled up into the tattoo shop parking lot.

"I might get tatted up while we're here." I said, shutting the car off.

"How much did your first one hurt?" Mallory asked. She looked doubtful.

"Well, one thing, you can't back out now. And secondly, it didn't hurt that much." I said, putting my arm around her shoulders and lead her inside. I looked around, and decided that this was a clean, safe, dependable parlor. A girl was behind the counter. She was looking at a magazine. The little bell on the door rang and she looked up, smiling.

"Hi! How can I help you?" She asked, putting the magazine down.

"My sister wants to get a tattoo today." I said, smiling over at Mallory. She gulped.

"What were you thinking about getting?" The girl asked, looking at Mallory. She pulled her phone out and showed her the picture.

"That looks really cool, actually. Is that the color you want?" The girl asked.

"I want it to be light blue and when the lace takes a turn, I want the turn to be faded black, and then it goes back to light blue." Mallory said. She was shaking.

"Alright. Well, we have no one else waiting, so I'll take you into the back room." The girl asked, and lead us into the back. She sat Mallory down into a chair and Mallory lifted her shirt up. She had taken the gauze off, and had left the padding and medical tape. She pulled the tape away and the girl turned around and looked at Mallory's bruises, wounds, and broken leg.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just got into a fight." Mallory shrugged.

"Are you sure you want to get a tattoo today?" The girl said, looking a little worried.

"Yeah. I took some pain medication so I won't really feel anything." Mallory smiled. The girl got the gun ready and went to work.

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