Chapter twenty:

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Vic's POV

I turned the shower off and dried myself off, changing into a pair of black skinny jeans, a white Love Before Glory shirt, and Jaime's red Vans. I dried my hair and put a black beanie over it. I walked out and nodded to Tony, who was waiting to get in the shower. He walked in, and I walked outside. I was going to go see Mallory today. I wasn't sure where our rental was, so I grabbed my bike out of the back. I rode on the sidewalk, the cool breeze giving me a slight chill. I j-hopped off the sidewalk, and I locked my bike up in the bike rack. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked inside. I went straight to Mallory's place in the ICU. Doctors were running around, yelling at each other. I glanced at the receptionist desk. Empty. I was about to walk in when a doctor shoved me out of the way.

"What the hell?" I yelled at him. Another doctor pulled me aside.

"Sir, the patient is in absolutely no condition to see anyone." He said, and I saw Mallory being wheeled out on a bed. Her heart monitor was spiking, and she looked like she was having a seizure. I tried running after her, but the doctors held me back.

"She's being redirected to emergency surgery. She's having a severe reaction to something and she's not responding to anything." And they ran off. I took off after them, going through tons of doctors and nurses.

"NO! LET ME GO!" I screamed. I was finally pulled back by security.

"Mallory!" I cried out. If she didn't make it, I couldn't go on without her. I tried one last time to push through but the guards weren't budging.

"She's going to be fine." They told me, and I sat down in the waiting room. They left me alone, on my promise of staying still. I waited for over 4 hours, my eyes closing randomly. A cough from the hallway made me perk my head up. A few doctors were whispering at each other, looking over at me. When they all agreed on something, they walked over to me.

"Are you Mr. Fuentes?" One of them asked me. I stood up, nodding.

"Um, Mallory Perry wasn't able to survive the operation. We don't know the cause of it, but she wasn't responsive to anything. I'm deeply sorry." They said somberly and walked away. I stayed silent, until I walked out of the hospital. Once I walked into the parking lot, I stared at the clear night sky and screamed at it.

"Why did you take her? Why Mallory? You could have taken me! Fuck this! I'm done." I said, and took off towards the empty road. No cars were coming, but I knew one would soon. I stood right in the middle of the road, and I saw a pair of headlights speeding towards me.

"Don't worry Mallory. I'll be there soon." I said, staying calm. The space between the car and I got smaller and smaller, and right when the hood was about to collide with my body, everything went dark.

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