Chapter eight:

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Mallory's POV

          I was laying in a hospital bed, all kinds of monitors and tubes hooked up to me. I sat up, yawning. I flung my legs over the bed and stood up. I looked at my arms, there was nothing there. My heartbeat sped up, and I turned around, coming face to face with myself. My body was laying there, lifeless. The heart monitors gave off a slow, steady beep, and I watched my chest rise and fall with my shallow breathing. My eyes were closed, and I looked dead. I grabbed my hand and held it.

"This isn't happening." I whispered. The door to my room opened, and I looked over my shoulder. In came Vic, Tony, Jaime, Mike, Austin, Alan, and everyone else that was with me last night. I moved over to the other side of the bed. Vic went to the bench by the window and sat down, letting everyone talk to me and see how I was doing. About 40 minutes went by, until everyone left Vic and I alone. The door shut, and he got up, walking over to me slowly. He grabbed my limp hand gently, and held it. I moved over to the foot of the bed, looking on. I felt weird being all ghostlike.

"Hey Mallory. How are you doing?" He whispered.

"I hope you'll be alright. I just need you to wake up. I can't lose you." He said, and I saw a tear fall from his brown eyes, dropping onto my hand.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not, but if you can, I just want to let you know, that I love you, Mallory Marie Perry. You're the nicest, talented, and most beautiful girl I've ever met, and I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you." Vic said, and looked at my pale face. He leaned over slowly, and pressed his lips onto mine. I walked over to Vic and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't notice me.

"I love you too, Vic." I whispered into his ear, wishing he could feel my presence. I looked down at my frozen body, and decided to lay back down. I positioned myself just right, and tried to trap myself back into my body. After a few failed attempts, I gave up and closed my eyes.

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