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September 8th
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Demons ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

At this point Jeff was sitting on the chair that I kicked at him. He sat forward, with his fingers interlaced with one another. Biceps pumped and hair blowing in the wind. I was still leaning against the bar, facing the intrigued brunette.

'Erm....Josh....he's the guy....he's.....my ex....' I stutter as my voice broke. My hands began to shake uncontrollably, tears clouded up my vision. 'He was the one who....yep.....the reason why I shouted his name was that....every day for about 2 weeks he would show up trying to....I don't actually know what he wanted to do....but most of the time he did bring.....a knife with him....was he going to kill me?....I don't know.....was he going to hurt me?....most definitely...' I wiped the tears that began to slip down my cheeks.

'We called the police....they came....and they put a restraining order on him....we went to court and all that bullshit we had to do....seeing him there, it made me very anxious....I knew he wouldn't try and do anything due to being in court....but his look....his posture....his smug face....that's when I realised how stupid I was....it was all in my head....when I first met him, I saw an angel....but then and there....I saw a demon....a demon who was gagging for the taste of blood....a demon who wanted something he couldn't have....a demon who wanted to torture....he was changed a person....for the worst....he wasn't the man who I initially met....'

'So is he the reason why you get startled easy when people come behind you?' Jeff asks.

'Pretty much...I got scared whe-'

'When I came up behind you, when we were playing with the nerf guns?'

'You noticed...' I say as my voice broke a second time. He nodded and the grabbed my hand pulling me to him. I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. He was holding my like a baby and I started to sob, digging my head in his neck.

Bringing my head up to his view, 'When your with me....you won't have to worry about him at all....I'll protect you....forever and always....' Jeff said softly caressing my hot cheeks with his rough touch, wiping the tears.

'I'm trying to get over it....'

'It's ok....I'll help you....'


It was later that day, I had woken up. Jeff wasn't by my side. After opening up to him this morning, I felt like there was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I finally opened up to him fully....I told him about Josh....I told him about my anxiety....something I had kept a secret to so many people. My mind had finally seemed clear. There was no grey cloud, no devil on my shoulder, no thoughts eating out at me.

I opened my bedroom door and was hit with the stench of bacon...bacon? We didn't have bacon in the fridge...did he go to get some? He's deffo husband material....too soon?

'Hey you.' Jeff said smiling whilst putting bacon on a plate, which had scrambled egg on the left side of it.

'Did you go shopping?' I ask as I sit down at the stool that was located under the kitchen island.

'Well I only went out to buy eggs and bacon, but yeah...you do need to go shopping though.' He giggles.

'Erm why did you do this?'

✧𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁✧𝕁𝕖𝕗𝕗 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕜✧Where stories live. Discover now