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October 16th
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Expressing Feelings ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

After several long weeks of taking care of Carmen, her arm was out of the cast. She was now perfectly fine and could do the things she said she couldn't wait to do....one of them being, having a drink. I wanted to talk to her about it but I needed support from the other two.

Tyla made it to the hospital the day after she got the call. She brought us all gifts from France, including the crepes I asked for. I tell you in France the crepes hit differently. It's like they are hand made by angels. As Manny Mua would say 'Gorga!'

'Hey.' Tyla said as she knocked and entered my room.

'Hey, what's up?' I ask.

'Just checking up on you, you've been quiet and distant recently. Has Jeff done anything? Cause if he has I'll smash is perfectly, sculpted face.'

'No no.' I giggle as she sits at the end of my bed.

Jeff and I, have never been better. We hung out and got to know each other a lot more. He fully opened up about his past and I've never felt more connected to someone. Jeff has made me feel like I'm one of a kind. Unique. Dare I say...the only girl in the world.

I push my hand through my hair and let out a deep sigh. 'I was just thinking about Carmen. She says she wants to go out for a drink, which ultimately I don't think is a great idea.'

'Just tell her that.'

'Yeah but you know what she is like. She'll rip my head off and storm out.....Tell her with me?' I offer the proposition and to my surprise Tyla nods her head and gets up from my bed.

'Let's do this.'

We waltzed downstairs and was met with Carmen and Destiny getting ready by the lounge mirror. 'Erm what's going on?' Tyla chuckles.

'We are getting ready to go out? You guys wanna come?' Carmen smiles.

'Erm...that's why we came down. We wanted to talk to you Carmen.' I say just after she turns around facing the mirror.

'Ok go on...'

'Basically, we think that you shouldn't go out...' Tyla says softly. Carmen puts down her eyeliner and turns facing the two of us, with Destiny repeating the action.

'Why?' Carmen says rolling her eyes in the process.

'Well after your accident, we thought you should just...you know...slow down a bit.' I say, taking a step closer.

'Slow down a bit? What's that supposed to mean? Your acting like I'm an alcoholic!'

'Maybe you are.'

I could tell that my statement took Carmen, Destiny and even Tyla by surprise. I didn't care anymore. I wasn't going to hide the fact that Carmen could be a possible alcoholic. It's not right on her physical health and for us girls to go round picking up the pieces.

'Are you serious?!' Carmen snaps.

'Yes I am!'

'All this over an accident!'

'No this is not just over the accident Carmen! This over all the time we have given up to take care of you! All the times Destiny has missed out on having a goodnight, just because she wants to take care of you! All the times you've embarrassed us at parties, events and even meet and greets! All the times-'

'No I get it! I'm an alcoholic! I'm a burden! I cause trouble!....But at least I don't act perfect Ari!'

'What are you on about!' I argue, starting to get flustered.

'Girls stop!' Destiny shouts.

Carmen raises her finger and points it in my face, taking a step closer. 'You, Ari Armstrong, act like your life is so perfect! You put on this persona! Look at me, little miss perfect!' Carmen mocks.

'When have I ever put on a persona?!'

'All the time! Anytime we are with new people! Anytime fame gets brought up! Anytime a boy gets interested in you!'

'Bullshit Carmen! I've always been one hundred percent myself in front of everyone we meet!....And boys! How dare you! All because I'm starting to become happy with someone after the trauma I have faced! That's low Carmen, even for you!' I scream, flailing my arms. 'You know how that's affected me!'

'Yeah Carmen, that's a bit far.' Tyla adds.

'I honestly couldn't give a rat's ass! Don't bring up a problem I have when you clearly have so much emotional baggage that you can barely stand!' Carmen argues.

'Carmen!' Tyla and Destiny shout in unison.

'Girls don't stop her! This is just classic Carmen! Flipping the subject! Blaming others! Using people's insecurities to make her look more presentable! Carry on Carmen! What else of you got to say, about my emotional baggage, cause it's not like you don't have any yourself! The only reason you drink so much is due to your mental state!' I exclaim.

'Let's talk about your emotional baggage shall we or is that too much for you to handle?! The only family you have is us! Your aunt lives in England and when I specifically asked her if she would like to get a jet to come over and see you...do you know what she said to me? She said that she didn't care! She said 'oh well'! What's it like hmm, to get a band aid ripped off so you can see the real damage! I can keep going! Your body is full of them!'

'Ari! Stop!' Destiny shouts.

'Oh fuck you Destiny! You've been Carmen's bitch ever since we became the Cherry Bombs.' I snap. 'Doing everything for her! Without realising that she's the one who gets benefitted, not you! Your selfless ways are gonna come and bite you in the ass!'

'I could say the same about your selfish ways! The way you use everything to your advantage! No wonder you have more fans and followers cause they don't see the true Ari that we all do!' Destiny claims.

'Oh right let's bring up my following! Your just jealous you haven't gotten anywhere by yourself and only gotten big because we became your friends! That goes for both of you! Without Tyla and I you would be living in a one bedroom apartment with a creepy neighbour!' I shout.

At this point Destiny and Carmen were leaning against the wall and Tyla was sitting on the sofa. I, on the other hand, was pacing up and down from one side of the room to the other.

'Before you call me selfish again, think about what I've done for you, to get you where you are now! You would be nothing without us....without me and the sad thing is....you know it!'


✧𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁✧𝕁𝕖𝕗𝕗 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕜✧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant