Chapter One

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⍟⍟⍟ disclaimer: I do not own anything surrounding, involving, or staring the characters, or plot, of Vampire Knight. It's solely owned by its creators. I only own my OC's and some slight plot line variations. Thank you for reading ⍟⍟⍟

*~*~* Earlier today- Oribia's POV *~*~*

I walked into Uncle's office to find it empty. But just a second later I was bombarded with something heavy, which turned out to be a wild headmaster. "Headmaster? I can't breathe," I don't get to finish my sentence because the headmaster let go and spoke up, in his unusually cheerful tone. "What's so important you had to drag me from my class, Headmaster?" I quizzed him.

"Ori! I think you should start your prefect duty's now, since your leg has healed up!" I look at him with excitement. I've always wanted to help Yuki and Zero with the disciplinary comity work, but I never got the chance since I broke my leg tripping over a rock, slamming my poor tibia into a stone bench.

"Sure, Headmaster! I'd love to help out! When do I start, may I ask?" I inquired in an overly happy way.

he had a childish pout on his face, "I told you to call me Uncle, Oribia." headmaster whined pathetically.

I sigh at his childish antics. "Sorry, Uncle, I always forget you would like me to call you that." he had an over-the-moon smile and started hugging me again. I pushed him away as much as I could so I had ample room to breathe. I caught my breath and gave him a very serious look, "So, when do I start my disciplinary duty's?"

He smiled and handed me a badge and said, "Today: after your classes are finished, my darling Niece!" I smiled big and gave him a hug and looked him in the eyes and pledged to him.

"I won't let you down Uncle! I will see to it that your dream of vampires and humans living in peace together comes true." he had tears in his eyes. I walked away in a hurry, to try and not get glommed by the headmaster again, because of the small speech I had made.

"Awe, goodbye, my precious niece!" I heard him call out as I reached the door.

*~*~* Present *~*~*

After school I went to the night class dorms to help Yuki and Zero out. When I got there I heard screams from some of the fangirls, 'Geez, can they BE any louder!' I thought, already annoyed. I looked ahead and only saw Yuki. where's Zero?

I shoved my way through the crowed; I failed miserably at getting through, and decided to get Yuki's help. "Yuki! I can't get through!" After that she turned in my direction and spotted me. she walked over and tried to tell the fangirls to move, but she gave up with a frustrated huff. She grabbed my arm and pulled with all her might, then, at that moment, both of the gates to the moon dorm open, and all the girls line up side by side. Yuki and I fall to the ground, because Yuki was pulling really hard before the evil girls decided to listen.

I look at Yuki startled, and she looks at me worried.

"Are you ok, Oribia?!" Yuki's voice is full of concern. I blush and look down. This was embarrassing, to say the least.

"Uh, yeah, Yuki. I am terribly sorry: if I wasn't so weak I wouldn't have needed help, and we wouldn't have fallen." I stutter out a reply, looking back up at Yuki with apologetic eyes. She smiles and speaks reassurances to me.

"Oh, no, no its fine, you're not weak! it's just the girls are really persistent!" She shakes her hands reassuringly as she stands up. But, before she can reach her hand out to help me, Kaname kneels down and offers me his hand. My eyes widen in pure shock, and disbelief. I had forgotten that we were in the middle of prefect duty. my eyes soften and I accept the help.

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