10 (Not Edited)

437 50 9


Song: Running on my mind
Artist(s): Ali Gatie

Short Chapter!!!!!


My annoying ringtone woke me up from my deep slumber. I wonder who's calling me at this hour. It was almost 2 in the morning for goodness sake.

Without checking the Caller's ID, I answered the phone placing it on my ear with my eyes closed.

"Uhmmm" I Grumbled. I hate it when someone interrupts my sleep.

"You're sleeping already?" The voice chuckled making my lips tug up.

"Yes, it's what normal people do" I sassed my smile growing.

"Woke up from the dead and still sassy, didn't you see the white light of goodness?" The voice said and I snorted.

Not ladylike, I know

"No I saw the red danger sign of evil" I sassed for the second time.

"Tom Naji Hajiyar tsiwa"

" Are you done yet? I want to go back to sleep before my dream disappears"

"My Apologies your Highness. Can't a guy call up his girlfriend to hear her  sweet voice?" Khalid said. I'm very sure he's smirking right now.

"Wipe that smirk off your face. Anyways how was your flight? I wanted to call you Amma bacci ya daukeni" I sat up wiping away the sleep from my eyes.

Several minutes later, we called it a night.

If someone told me two years ago that I would end up in love with Khalid, I would smack him/her on the head with a metal rod and ask him/her which mental asylum he escaped from.

But miracles happen right?

Look at me now, hopelessly enslaved by His Love. I love Khalid with my whole heart. Is it even possible to love a person that much?

We started dating 3 months after my trip to Yola. That's almost 2 years ago. The best 2 years of my life. We had our ups and downs but it's normal right? All couples fight.

Glancing at the wall clock, it read 3:56am. I'm writing my last paper today so I might as well just get up.

Damn I hate school. I thought that since we are in our third year now things will be easier but it just got harder.

Sighing, I dragged my butt to the bathroom, showered and performed Ablution.

After showering, I went straight to the closet to pick out my outfit for the day. It came down to three outfits. A black jumpsuit, A blue polka dotted gown and a peach Maxi dress. I finally decided on the peach Maxi dress.

Clad in my peach Maxi dress, i grabbed my laptop and note book and headed to my study (a small table near the window) to start reading.

From the name "Microbiology", you know the course is bulky and annoying. Don't get me wrong I love biology, I do but Microbiology ain't my thing. I loathe the Course. I mean why teach us stuff on organisms we can't even see?

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