I Am Burning

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You had no right to assume that you were the source of my fire.

"I am so sorry I caused your Burning Fire Within."

One, how dare you assume that you are everything? My username was mine 3 years before I was aware of your existence. You get no claim over my nickname. None of it will be tainted by you. My fire's source started off with heartbreak and mental illness. Your selfishness and cruelty will receive no credit here.

Two, how bold of you to assume you were the start. I have been burning since I could hold a pencil, I burned through you and I will continue to rage and burn long after. You were only a splash of gasoline that resulted in an explosion and left life long defects on not only me but others.

You are not a necessity for my fire. I will continue to scorch with control and the possibility of life as soon as you leave.

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