I Miss High school

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I miss high school.
And by that I mean the highlights of it.
I miss oversized football game shirts, dancing in the bleachers at the end of the stadium where no one could see (or cared to).
I miss cool late night marching practices under the star lit sky.
I miss charter bus rides to competitions where I would fall asleep on my best friends shoulder while we shared headphones.
I miss looking forward to a certain class before I knew that's when I would see my crush-I miss having a crush.
I miss the genuine smile I had when I saw and waved to friends in the hallway-walking certain paths so I knew we would run into each other.
I miss spirit week and decorating homecoming school walls and floats.

I miss being recognized, being important, feeling like I was seen.
Now in college, I'm one of thousands.
I am drowning in a sea.

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