Love Like Molasses

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I don't want the man who moves in and out of love quickly. The one who falls fast.
I want the guy who takes months to recover from his last girlfriend because he deeply loved her. I want the guy who waits a couple months in before he confesses "I love you". I don't want a one time scribbled love note on a napkin. I want to wait for an anniversary poem, or a love letter in our wedding vows. I wanted to be sought after not lusted over.
I want to be, if for some reason we don't make it, someone you think about long after we finish. I would want you to move on eventually, but I want to know I was important enough to not toss away the minute afterwards. Because I was memorable. Because you fit me into your life like a puzzle piece and now something feels like it's missing. Because when you said you loved me you meant it.
So yeah, I might have to wait half a year for you to go on a date with me, but if how you loved her is a mirror of how you will love me, then the wait will be entirely worth it.

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