I Want a Man

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When I was younger I always dreamed of falling in love with a prince. A handsome man that would sweep me off my feet at a ball. One who was wealthy so we'd never have to worry about finances or food or shelter. A man who would provide me with a reason to wear ball gowns and spoil me with gifts.

Now, a prince would still be nice but I'd prefer someone without the title, someone who earned everything he had instead of having it handed to him. I want a man who knows work and satisfaction. A man who had to apply for scholarships and work a part time job to get through college. Someone who wasn't accepted or climbed the ladder from the qualifications of his last name or someone his father knew. I want a man who has a story, one who experienced struggle and wasn't sheltered from every reality of life. Give me someone who understands my need for change and not one who grows frustrated with my grand ideas.
I desire a man who has had a life like me.

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