Quiet Boy

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I know you weren't a popular guy at school- the one all the girls had a crush on, the star quarterback, the one who was crowned Prom King.
Which is okay, I never really wanted a popular guy anyway.
I wanted a guy who didn't get everything handed to him. A guy who the teachers liked not because he was funny and overly-confident but because effort could be seen in his hard work.
I wanted the quiet guy in the back of the class who doodled on his paper while taking notes during lecture because it helped him remember the material better. The one who sat behind a petite girl and never said much, causing her concentration waver wondering about the worlds he was creating in his head. I wanted the mysterious, often overlooked boy who held depths. The kind of guy who would follow the actions he preached about treating women. 

That one. I wanted that one.

Why would I ever have wanted a popular guy when there is you?

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