Things You Don't Have To Think About

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I have planned out at least 10 different ways to react to a scenario if I ever come in contact with you.

I anxiously walk step by step through plans before I even arrive and search the premises and isles as soon as I arrive.

In every situation I know the nearest exits, or have a name, in my throat, of the person I would trust the most to protect me so I could scream to them in a voice of urgency.

Because I know you'd walk into to any building see me and think you could smile and walk up and we could chat like old friends who drifted apart. My fear would look like excitement to you because I know you couldn't read my emotions.

Just look back two years when I dissociated at the car ceiling with your head inbetween my legs.

You couldn't read emotions, you couldn't think selflessly then, how can I expect you to now?

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