Chapter 5: The Hills

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I can feel the heavy bass deep in my chest, I love a heavy bass as much as the next person here; but it's starting to give me a headache, so are the tics I've been suppressing for the last two hours. I'm starting to regret this decision to go out, don't get me wrong I've seen plenty of pretty girls and equally hot guys. Honestly, this isn't helping my situation. I'm still confused, after my party earlier this week I did hook up with Zoe's cousin, Chloe. Was it great? Not really. Was that her fault? No. Would I hook up with a girl again? Hell yes. But, now I just want to go home and sleep. I take another sip of Sprite out of the plastic cup and continue to people watch as I hang close to my brother, Claudia and her cousin, Sophia or Sophie; whatever, eyes me up and down. Ok then. She's pretty enough- long dark blonde hair, taller than me-but everyone is taller than me, warm brown eyes, tan, smokey voice-it was harsh sounding in comparison to Jade's soft voice; she's your stereotypical "California Girl".

"So, your friend, what did you say her name was?" Claudia asks handing a cup to her.

"Oh!" She smiles widely, looking away from me and then at Claudia. "Jade!"

My ears perk up. Jade? My Jade? Ok she's not mine but.... I sit up on the counter, trying to play it off like I'm not looking for her.

I see Claudia nod "How did you meet her?"

"We're intern buddies." Sophie says taking a sip out of her cup and making a face. "She's so cute." Yeah, she is.

"She's the one with tattoo you were telling me about?" Claudia asks leaning against Finneas as he places a kiss against her temple. "Or is she the one you're trying to set up Mark?"

"Ugh, both. I know she mentioned an ex-boyfriend in Texas.... but." Sophie shrugs as she glances quickly at me then back at Fin and Claudia, "she hasn't really said what her 'type' is and Mark is a nice guy."

"So ask her?"

"Yeah, maybe. Or I could just ask her to make out with me." She shrugs. I choke a little on my Sprite causing me to cough loudly. "You okay over there, beautiful?" Sophie asks smiling at me. I give her a thumbs up and reposition myself on the counter.

The crowd in the kitchen has grown larger. I look over at my brother almost asking "Can we please go now?" he smiles at me and pats my leg as he pulls Claudia closer to his body while listening to a couple of drunk people talk.

I sigh and lean my head back against the cabinets. "I'm going to go find the bathroom." I say to Fin as I hop off the counter.

"Be careful." He says patting my back lightly.

I nod before heading down the long hallway peeking into a couple of darkened rooms. Nothing I haven't seen at these parties. Clouds of smoke fill a room and the scent of weed hits me like a truck. I let out a cough and close the door quickly while a "Sorry" squeaks out of my mouth. I knock on a closed door hoping it's the bathroom. "Just a minute" I hear a toilet flush. I turn the knob slowly and peak my head in. Jade leans against the bathtub, a sheen of sweat covers her forehead, her face is flush and lazy smile is plastered on her face.

"It's just me." I say closing the door behind me slowly.

"I'll let you have the bathroom..." She says standing up slowly gripping the counter for support letting out a small giggle.

I set my cup down and wrap my arm around her waist for support. "Okay love, let's get you home." She nods letting her head fall on my shoulder. Thank the lords above we're the same height. Even drunk she smells good.

"Hey Fin...?" I say helping Jade walk into the kitchen. Finneas looks over at me with a confused look on his face.

"There she is!" Sophie shouts as she walks over to Jade and pulls her into a drunken embrace.

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