Chapter 24: You said she's scared of Me?

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"Billie... she's just using you." Sophie's words ricochet around my head and heart like a rogue bullet leaving shrapnel in its wake. I don't know why her words sting so much, and I don't know why I'm letting them eat away at me; I haven't even let on to Billie that I'm bothered by them, nor am I going to. I sigh and set another pair of jeans into my half-packed suitcase and try to swallow the lump in my throat along with the heavy feeling in my chest. I've been packing off and on since I left Fin and Claudia's this afternoon, that was hours ago. I don't know why I'm procrastinating so... Wait, yes I do. Fucking Sophie and her words. Now, I feel conflicted between having a conversation with Billie about if this relationship is real or am I just a casual fling that she happened to fall in love with for the time being. And, is she even mature enough to be in a committed relationship?

The sound of my phone buzzing snaps me out of my thoughts. "Hey sis."

"You packing for Europe?" She asks knowing I've been procrastinating; I swear my sister is in my head more than I am.

"I'm trying... I just have a lot on my mind."

"What's going on?"

I sigh and put my phone on speaker so I can try to continue the mundane task of packing while talking to Daphne. "Sophie made a comment and it's really bothering me."

"Is she the one that's been trying to cause problems between you and Billie?"

"Yeah." I really need to return this hoodie to Billie...

"What did she say?"

"That Billie is just using me."

"Huh... Do you think she is?"

"Well, no but now that you're questioning it...."

"Jade, I've seen the way Billie looks at you, anyone who looks at you the way that girl looks at you isn't using you. She flew from London after dad died to see you... That's not using you honey. The girl looks at you like you hung the moon and stars for her and only her." Hearing Daphne's affirmation puts my anxious mind at ease a little, "plus you're in love with her... so why does it matter what this Sophie person says or thinks?"

"No... I know you're right. I just.... me and Billie haven't even had that conversation yet. I'm just the summer intern she happens to be sleeping with and happened to fall for... I don't know what's going to happen when my internship ends... What if...?"

I hear Daphne sigh. "Stop it, Jade. Stop focusing on the 'what if's' maybe she's in it for the long-haul and she's waiting for you to ask her the same question you're waiting for her to ask you." Damn it my sister's logic is infallible.

"You're right, it's a conversation we need to have." I sigh and fold another pair of jeans setting them into my suitcase. "I don't think it's a conversation we need to have right before her European leg though."

"So, have it when you get home, that way you have time to plan out what you want to say to her."

"Okay, I hate when you're right."

"All I'm saying is, if you're serious about her have that conversation..."

"I'll talk to her when we get home from Europe, I promise."

"Good. And as far as this Sophie girl goes, I'm sure karma will sort that out, it usually does. People like that get theirs. Plus, she sounds jealous."

"Yeah... maybe." If my sister only knew.

"Seriously, Jade. Stop overthinking every-thing. You're too young to feel as old as you feel all the time." She says with a chuckle. "You get back to packing and call me before you fly out, okay?"

"Okay, I will."

"I love you."

"Love you too, Daph." With that I end the call and continue the tedious task of packing and looking at what the weather will be like in various parts of Europe.

Three hours, 1 suitcase and 1 tote-bag later I think I'm finally packed, I set the bags by my door and walk back into my bedroom and look at my phone, I'm torn between wanting to call Billie and ask her to stay the night with me and wanting to just sleep in my own bed for the last time for the next month. As if she's reading my mind I get a simple text from her.

Billie: hey mama, you ok? the flight leaves at
9am tomorrow. we'll pick u up at 7. <3

I'm half relieved she's not asking to come over.

Me: Hey you, I'm good. Just finished packing.
I'll be ready at 7. See you in the morning. XOXO.


Jade Holland: Hey you, I'm good. Just finished packing.
I'll be ready at 7. See you in the morning. XOXO.

Usually I'd stay the night over at Jade's but, after the incident at Fin and Claudia's she's been a little distant. She hasn't like been bitchy or whatever, just distant, but if I'm being honest seeing her throw that one good punch, she got in was sexy as fuck. And hearing her apologize to every-one for her actions made my heart melt; she's so fucking sweet.

"Have you talked to your girlfriend, sweetie?" My mom asks setting a bowl of pineapple in front of me with a smile on her face.

"She just finished packing." I say not even thinking. Wait, did I just call her my girlfriend? Or was my mom just calling her my friend who happens to be a girl?

"She seems like a sweet girl."

"She is." I shove a piece of pineapple in my mouth trying to avoid any more conversation. It's not that I don't want to talk about my relationship, I just don't know if it's a relationship or not. It's not like we've talked about it. And I'm not about to ask her, but maybe I should, at lease that's what Fin keeps telling me. Just ask her. Is all he tells me.

I'm just not one for relationships... But, maybe Jade will be the one to change that? Who knows.

"Where's Jade?" I ask Fin who's sipping his coffee while looking at his phone. Everyone is waiting at the gate at LAX, everyone but Jade that is.

"I don't know. Laura said she never answered when she called..." He says with a shrug.

"Great." I roll my eyes and look at my phone, no messages or calls from her, which isn't like her. I press her contact info and it goes straight to voicemail, I hang-up and look around for Laura who's also missing. I take a deep breath and try not to internally panic.

"Mom, have you seen Laura or Jade?" I ask my mom who's talking to my dad about I don't know what.

"No... I haven't."


"I'm sure they're just running late baby. They'll be here." My mom says rubbing my arm. "Give them a minute."

I nod and sit next to Fin, his hand automatically goes to my back rubbing it gently.

After what feels like forever, I see Laura speed walking toward the gate with none other than Sophie trailing behind her. Laura looks upset, angry, and concerned; Sophie looks over the moon to be here.

"Why is she here?" Fin asks standing in front of me in an almost protective stance.

"There's been an accident..." Laura says looking at both me and Fin.

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