Chapter 35: I'm a damn good Lover

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"Can I keep this?" I ask holding up a picture of Jade as a baby.

"Ugh... throw it away. Please." She says rolling her eyes.

"But you were so cute and blonde!"

"I was a cute baby...was being the operative word." She says shaking her head.

We've been at her mom's old house for the better part of the day sorting through random boxes, because she needs to put the house on the market before the end of October. I look at the picture of Jade as a baby again and set it in box of items we're taking back to her, or our house?

"Yeah, but you're sexy now."

"Mmhmm" She says dismissively as she thumbs through a stack of papers on her lap.

"What time did you tell your aunt we'd be home?"

"I didn't give her a specific time. Why?"


"Why?" She asks finally looking over at me raising her eyebrow.

"We have this house to ourselves..." I smirk as I take the stack of papers off her lap and set them on the floor, backing her up onto the couch settling between her legs.


"Shut up."

"Or what?" She asks as she bites her lip.

"Remember when I had your legs shaking for hours?" I hum lowly into her ear as I attach my lips to her neck while sliding my hand up her shirt, pressing my hips roughly against hers.

"Oh... fuck."

"Hmmm?" I hum against her neck as I palm her breast through her bra and kiss up to her lips.

"Have I ever told you, you have the prettiest moan I've ever heard?" I whisper against Jade's swollen pink lips.

"Stop it." She says trying to cover her flushed faced as she pushes me off her slowly while covering her chest with her t-shirt.

"Like I didn't just spend 2 hours with my hands all over your boobs and the rest of your body." I say pulling my own bra over my head along with my shirt.

"Still doesn't mean I'm not self-conscience around you." She says as she adjusts her bra. "You're like an anime girl come to life..." She says motioning to me. I don't understand why she's conscience of her body, it's fucking amazing.

"And you're built like Tinker-Bell, but with bigger boobs, so what?"

"You and boobs..."

"I like boobs, I also like your boobs so what? And I like your ass and the rest of your body."

" still my heart, you're such a romantic." She says rolling her eyes as she pulls her jeans over her hips wincing slightly as she does.

"You good?" I can't help but smirk.

"Shut up." She chuckles as she stands up stretching her arms over her head a little, then reaches behind her for her t-shirt. I take a moment to admire the way the floral backpiece moves like a field as her back twists to reach for her shirt, and the curve of her hips and her ass is enough to make me swallow hard. "Are you done checking out my ass?"


"You're annoying."

"You weren't saying that a few minutes ago."


Jade and her Aunt Sherri had to take the stuff from her mom's old house to some storage unit, then go to the grocery store, leaving me here alone with Grey and Chase. I'd rather be alone with Chase, not that I have a specific issue with Grey, but something about that dream I had still makes me uncomfortable. So instead of hanging out with her, I've been holed up in the nursery with Chase trying to get him down for night, so Jade won't struggle with that task when she gets home.

"So, when you start talking... are you going to call Jade 'mama'? Cause that's kinda my thing calling her that..." I say looking down at Chase who's half asleep across my lap. "Apparently I've bored you to sleep... with our nightly chats. My bad." I chuckle picking him up gently so I can place him in his crib.

I make sure to turn his noise machine on low and grab the monitor before I walk out of the nursery quietly, I learned the hard way last week when the door shut too loudly and Jade and I had to take turns dancing with him up and down the hallway for nearly 3 hours.

"So, you and Billie seem to be doing well...." I can hear Grey's voice in the kitchen, so I stop myself so I can be nosey and listen in.

"We are..." I hear Jade respond; I can hear the blush in her voice.


"And what?"

"How's the sex?" Is this bitch serious?

"I'm absolutely not going to answer that!"

"Oh c'mon Bunny, I literally told you about how Ian's penis tilts to the right..."

"Ew, yeah, I still don't understand why you told me that."

I can literally feel the puke rise up into my throat.

"I thought you'd want to know!"

"Why would I want to know that?"

"I don't know. C'mon tell..."

I hear Jade sigh, "She's intoxicating... in the best way possible. The way her skin feels, the way she smells, her voice... Everything." I can almost hear the blush that takes over her body when she's turned on. "And honestly? It's the best I've ever fucking had."


"Mmhmm" I hope she's ready for another round.

"So, I'm the best sex you've ever had?" I ask walking into the bedroom, unwrapping the towel from my hair.

"What else did you hear?" Jade asks rolling onto her back, looking at me.

"That I'm... how did you word it?" I smirk tapping my lips. "intoxicating?" I see Jade roll her eyes as she rolls back onto her side.

"Like your ego needs to be any larger."

"I like having a big ego." I say straddling her side.

"You're a brat, you know that?" She says twisting a bit to look at me.

"Keep saying that mama." I say leaning over her a little as I feel her breath hitch a little.

"You're annoying." She says shifting underneath me so I'm now straddling her.


"Are you going to sit on me all night or?"

"I could just sit here." I say placing my hands on either side of her head and brush my lips against hers. "Or I could..." before I can finish my sentence, she makes the bold move and kisses me fully. The tip of her tongue teases mine before swirling and slow dancing from my mouth back into hers. Her hands slide up the backs of my thighs to my ass pulling my body impossibly close to hers as she presses her hip against my core causing me to moan in the kiss.


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