HC Bruno Bucciarati + Giorno Giovanna : Studying

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Anonymous asked:

Hi! May I request a few headcanons for either Bruno or Giorno I don't really mind witch, helping their s/o to study? Helping them memorise and leading all their attention to the important books and notes?I've been trying to study but I kept daydreaming c:

Hi my love, I'm so so sorry about your long wait and I truly hope your studying/exams/coursework went how you wanted! I too know the struggles, I finish my degree in 2 days 😱 I hope that this suffices and again I am so sorry about the delay, but thank you for requesting 💕

Bruno Bucciarati

📍Bruno is very respectful when you're trying to study. I will be quiet and even leave the room if you need the silence and space

📍He is very attentive and can tell when you're struggling or flagging

📍Bruno will out a gentle hand on your shoulder and encourage you or try to help you work out an issue you're experiencing

📍If you need a break, he will order you in his capo voice to have one. Go and make a cup of tea or go outside!!

📍He will remind you that you're trying so hard but you need to look after yourself too

📍If you're struggling to understand a subject, he will help you learn it the best he can, though he isn't as effective as Giorno

📍Remembers how his Papa used to help with his homework and tries to copy his methods

📍Bruno won't yell or judge at you if you get something wrong or don't understand something, he will be patient and work through it with you (my dad used to shout at me until we found out I have a processing disorder lmao)

📍If you are getting really frustrated or upset, he will suggest you pick it up again some other time. It isn't worth getting ill over studying!!

Giorno Giovanna

🐞Giorno is the silent type anyway, so he won't be a bother when you're studying

🐞He notices if you're flagging because your life energy dulls a little. If you're frustrated it ramps up

🐞He will try to help you understand, but if you don't understand something he's trying to teach you, you might earn 'the look' from him (the 'what do you mean you still don't get it?' look)

🐞Giorno is less likely to take you away from studying. As a student himself he thinks it better to continue pushing through tough times

🐞He will mark for you and help you pinpoint where you're struggling, in order for you to better yourself

🐞Afterwards he will suggest you get a milkshake or hit the beach together as a small reward for studying extra hard!!

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