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As their game ended, Mark were filled with his own sweat as he keep on wiping it, his breathing seems to be normal now as he sat on the bench waiting for his friend Team who is drinking someone's water from the other team. He changed his shirt to a new one ready to leave the court as their time were about to end..

"Good play Mark!" Said his friend from the other team, Mark nods as they bro fist. Team got back and grabbed his bag as he finished changing as well.

"Your sisters called telling me that you sleep in your house tonight." Team said as they started walking, they already bid their goodbye to their friends. Mark sighed as he doesn't feel like going back since his sisters were there.

"Let's just grab something to eat, don't worry I'll spend the night at your house as well." Team wiggle his brows as he smiled at his friend, Mark just nod as they headed to the nearest food stall.

Vee and friends were looking for a food stall nearby as they still need to finish their project, luckily, they saw one that is not too crowded and quickly went over there as their stomach were already growling in hunger. As soon as they take the seats, their eyes landed on the two nongs whose hairs were wet and is eating silently on the corner, North smiled as he looked at Vee.

"You two aren't something right?" Asked North, Vee just looked at him hilariously as if saying 'what the hell are you fucking saying?' That made North to tap his friend's hand as he stood up and went to the nongs' table.

"Wow, this flirty friend of ours is something." Pond laughed as he shook his head and oredered his food and followed by the others but seems like Vee has some thoughts in his mind that he went over as well.

"It's already dark and your smile is the light." North were cheesy that made Team to almost spit out his food and laugh secretly, Mark smiled a little at how funny North  can be.

"But seriously--"

"North our table is over there." Vee interrupted as he stood besides North, the nongs shared a look as if their mind is connected and stood up together.

"Sorry P' but it's already time that we need to go already." Said Team, Mark just bow at North not even glancing at  Vee and walks away.

"Eh? You said there's nothing why did you interrupted us?" North asked. Vee looked at his friend as he shook his head.

"I did not." The latter said walking back to their table.

"What now?" Asked Team as they arrived at Mark's house. They entered and there they saw the sisters not talking to each other but busy facing their phones. As soon as Yihwa noticed them, she jumped out and hugged the two, followed by Jeed and Ploy.

"I'm tired." Mark mumbled making his sisters smile to vanish, they shared a look then turn to Team who already zips his mouth.

"Mark, what's wrong?" Jeed asked. The boy who is already on the first step of the stair stopped as he turned to his sisters.

"Everything is wrong," Mark paused as he faced them before sighing.

"We all know that your friend Vee is interested in P'Ploy, and you know that I am not interested other people and I am not okay of them butting in my life, I really don't like but why are you all commenting like we really have something? P'Ploy, the one he likes is you and not me, so did you post it making Dew Daily to make a conclusion? You are giving them a misunderstanding and I hate it." Said Mark before rushing off to his room  slamming the door behind.

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