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Mark pushing the cart while Team and Jeed were picking the ingredients, the sister and the nong would debate before putting the final  product on the cart making Mark to laugh at how cute they are.

"This one is more suitable sis! Trust me, mom used that before and I am not able to eat properly because it doesn't taste delicious!" Team started, Jeed sighed as she stared at the product she is holding.

"But I am using this one--"

"Oh, that is why your food is not delicious." Team mocked making Jeed to slap him lightly, Team chuckle as he hugged the sister and put the product on the cart.

"Look Mark, our brother here is bullying your sister." Jeed pouted, Mark chuckle as he fixed the products on the cart shaking his head. Suddenly, Mark's phone suddenly rang making him to pick it up not even trying to read the caller's name.

"Hmm?" Mark hummed as he pushed the cart as the two people who were arguing earlier were now walking hand in hand like Team is Pooh and Jeed is piglet.

"Where are you?" Mark furrowed his brows as he paused to see the caller's name, he raised a brow as he saw Vee's name.

"Grocery why?" Suddenly, Jeed stopped as she faced Mark and smiled.

"Is that Vee?" Mark nods in response smiling back at her, Jeed then shrug as she went closer.

"Well, tell him to come here so we can invite him to dinner." Mark just nods at his sister smilint at her, he just can't take his smile away whenever he saw his sisters not until Ploy became strange.

"Who's that?" Vee asked from the other line.

"It's P'Jeed, Are you busy?" Mark questioned, Vee didn't asnwered for a moment making Mark to wait. Team were putting more products to the cart and Mark followed them slowly.

"I am." Vee finally answered, Mark sighed as he look at his sister also waiting for an answer, Mark showed a disappointed face making Jeed to get it and just nods before she went over to Team.

"Then, I can't invite you for a dinner right?" Mark said with a sad face, he then heard a chuckle from the senior on the other line making Mark to be confuse and make a face.

"I am busy watching you pushing the cart." Mark's ears seems to be in deaf as his eyes widened looking around but failed to spot the senior. Mark's face became sour as he clicked his tongue.

"Stop playing, I am ending it." Mark ended the call not even waiting for the senior to answer, he then pushed the cart to where Team and Jeed is.

"Sister! I told you this one is way sweeter!" Team pointed himself making Jeed to chuckle slapping her forehead.

"We won't make it on time if you keep playing like that." Jeed laughs as she walks to the next rack, Team laughs following the sister so as Mark who is playing with the cart.

"Hey kid stop playing." Mark turned to see and saw Vee standing behind him, he quickly fixed himself as he stood straight making an annoyed look when in fact, he is really here! How can he make my heart shake when he is not even doing anything?

"So, Am I still invited then?" Vee wiggle his brows making Mark to roll his eyes and look forward turning his back at the senior as he smiled secretly.

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