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"What does it have to do with foods?" Team being sulky towards Win and went to Mark interrupting the couple's moment. Vee went to shower as Mark stayed with his friend at the living room, even though Team's room were next to his-- Team usually goes there whenever he is sulking. It's been months since they started dating and aside from food there is no other things that causes Win and Team to fight.

"Why are you always fighting over a food?" Mark sighed asking as he placed the cake on the table letting Team to eat it.

"Because he is always so jealous over the food! Ridiculous isn't it? Can I marry the food? Can I make the food as my husband? I can only stock them inside my stomach." The whining boy keep on blabbering making Mark to just nods as at his friend's words. Team pouted even more and took the cake as he feed himself.

"Mark.. let me stay.." Mark's face became sour hearing Team, the pleading eyes of the nong made Mark to want to smack him in the head. How can they fight over a food again and again? Should I disown him now? Or should I kill Win instead since he's the reason why this friend of mine is becoming more sulky these days.

"Isn't Win picking you up?" Vee who just appeared asked as he sat next to Mark, Team rolled his eyes as he put the cake down crossing his arms.

"Am I not welcome here anymore? Ai'Mark, before you let me stay here and we even sleep together!" Team acting like a kid that Mark can't resist again, he skew his mouth as Vee covered Mark's ears knowing that anytime soon Mark would agree at Team's request.

"Oi P'Vee! Before you came to his life, Mark and we used to eat each other hmpp! Now, he's not letting me even just to sleep on his bed." Team sulks even more and Vee widened his eyes furrowing his brows as he look at Mark not processing at what Team had said. Mark didn't replied nor showed any emotions as he is just making a still face.

"What? Eating each other?!" Vee's voice became louder as he make Mark to face him. Team were holding his laughter as he acts as if sulking again, the face Vee is making is a meme that he just want to share with the sisters.

"Why are you raising your voice?" Asked Mark as he pinches Vee's cheeks, the senior stared at the nong wanting to hear an answer but Mark just raised a brow as if he doesn't have any plan on answering the question.

"What eat each other?" And after Vee's question, a doorbell and a knock can be heard and that made Team to quickly cling to Mark.

"MAARRKKK WE ARE BROTHERS WHY ARE YOU--"  Team was interrupted as soon as Win came in, Vee showed an teasing smile as he waved his hand to Team.

"P'Win, please love the food as how much you love Team," Mark said as he tried to get away from Team's hug but Team hugged his friend tighter.

"So that your owner won't bother us everynight." Vee said crossing his arms waiting for Win to get Team.

"Hey Team, stop clinging to Mark already! Your husband is here to pick you up," Vee added. Team make face as he still clings to Mark.

"He bought you foods." Mark lied but Team quickly believe it as he stood up and went to Win.

"Really? Let's gooooooo!" Team happily said as he held on to Win's hand. Win then thanked Mark as he smack Vee's head before leaving, the latter then kicked Win's leg before closing the door, a smile formed to Vee's lips as he faced Mark who were cleaning the table.

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