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"Oh where is Team?" Asked Kam as soon as Mark arrived, other friends greeted him and he greeted back, he saw how Fuse's cheeks went redder drinking his beer, Mark looked back at Phan as he shook my head in response.

"He's not drinking, he's bad at it." Mark replied, Kam showed his brightest smile again as he put his arm around the latter's shoulder and drag him to sit next to him.

"But he called me saying he'll come." Mark's face look surprised, he didn't said it to Team how did he knew they were drinking?

"Did you said we're drinking?" Kam nods smiling as he put his arm around Fuse who seems to be drunk already, Mark raised a brow as he eyed the two but before he complete his thoughts Pit had gave Mark a glass of liquor already and Mark didn't hesitate to drink it. The cheering and chatting started and Mark could say that he drank more than he actually thinks of drinking, some of their friends were already drunk and some were already ducking their faces on the table, Pit raised his glass as he looked at Mark.

"Hey, a friend of mine is brokenhearted because of you," the drunk guy said as he drink and look back at Mark who seems to be confuse but still want to hear.

"If he just knew that you are going to date a guy then he would have presented himself." Pit added, Mark just grin and shook his head as he drink his as well, Kam leaned on as Fuse were on his arms.

"You two are something." Kam just chuckle as he pointed on a direction using his mouth, he dared not to look as he is confuse and manage to drink another glass before it finally hits him, he already have drunk so much but Team hasn't arrived yet making him annoyed.

"Mark, if you feel like Vee is not for you anymore, my friend is always open he's been interested on you since junior high but afraid to be rejected," Pit once more said before he leaned on the table, Mark doesn't know but he feels strange like he was being stared at but he dare not to mind.

"You can leave Vee and go to my friend he is sincere." Pit's last words made Mark to shook his head just on time as the table were slammed by a hands making the others napping to turn to the culprit and to their surprise,

"P'Vee..." the nongs mumbled especially Pit who just said those, Mark didn't bother to look any longer as he got more annoyed, I am here to forget this dumbshit face of his and he dared to show up? Why is he even here anyway? Is he pissing me off? Or maybe he wants my help to get P'Ploy again.

"No one's leaving who nong and you- come with me." Vee pointed Mark glaring at everyone, Mark didn't move ignoring the senior. But Kam nudges him as he pleaded to go with the senior as he was being stared at.

"Fuse passed out?" Asked Pond and helped his nong, Kam once again pleaded making Mark to be more irritated but stood up and followed Vee outside.

"What? Asking for help to get closer to her again? Aren't you closer enough already? I am not going to help you anymore and I have decided not to go with James this weekend and end our shitness here," Mark quickly said as soon as they arrived at the dark side of the parking lot, only the moonlight is making them to see each other's faces.

"Her boyfriend will suspect if we tell everyone that we're over." Said Vee, Mark stared at him blankly.

"How selfish can you be? Do you actually think I can help you with that? Ruining my sister's relationship with her boyfriend? I like P'Ton for her and I don't want to play this game anymore!" Mark said ending it all, he was about to walk away but was grabbed by the senior.

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