Chapter 1

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I never thought I could feel so happy again, I never thought I could be as jittery, giggly, excited, and so mixed of positive emotions. Ever since.. 

I can't even think about it, shut up hazel

Its so cliche.. Everyone makes fun of me and jokes around about how I'm so "obsessed" but no one understands...

I lost myself that day in May of 2010 when that tragedy... Shut up hazel!

Now I know who I am, my heart will always be part empty because of what happened, but they have completely opened my heart to be happy again, and stitched around my broken heart.

I've fallen in love with 5 boys I haven't even met... Is that crazy? Yeah its nuts.

I have this thing.. For the curly, goofy one.

Most people who like these 5 guys, are about 13... I don't understand why my heart is directed to them every thought I have.

I just want to meet them, say thank you, tell them how much they have done for me.

I wish I lived in the same continent, they won't ever even see me.

I don't have the money for front row tickets, I work in a bakery in my hometown and live with my bestfriend Sofia.

Sof loves them to.

We met when I moved to Buffalo when I was about 5, she was playing outside on her huge treehouse thing, and I jumped out of the car and introduced myself before I had even gone inside to check out my new house. We haven't spent a day apart since.

Crazy, how fast your life can change.

Sof knows me better then I know myself, I don't even have to say something when I'm upset she just cheers me up with a click of a button, one of 2 songs.

18, or Little Things.

My two favorite songs those 5 crazy, goofy, adorable, genuine guys sing.

Everytime I hear those songs, my whole world flips and everything is perfect.. Obviously I love all of their songs but these two have a sincerely special place in my heart.

I can't believe I saw One Direction, my heroes, for the second time just 1 hour ago.

-"Hazel c'mon its been an hour!" - Sofia

-"Sof you don't understand how happy I am right now..." -Hazel

-"I really think I do H, I do I had just as much fun as you, but its midnight!" -Sofia

-"Okay.. Let's head back to the ho-"



Finally, back to the hotel. The freezing cold in Buffalo has already started and its only September. We were exhausted from walking so we just decided to hang out in the lobby for a while. The couches were so comfortable, like marshmallows.

I don't even know the name of the hotel, Sofia knows everything. She's the responsible one. I'm oblivious to everything. The only thing I care about right now is 5 boys and how my butt is sinking into this couch and just how comfortable I am, finally starting to relax.

Sofia started reading a book she found on Wattpad to me and just like that...

I woke up with my legs completely numb, hadn't opened my eyes because I knew exactly where I was, on the marshmallow couch, with Sofia.

Sofia was probably sitting on my legs, who else would it be?

I just decided to go back to sleep but just before I did, I wanted to say goodnight to soph, the way we always do. We sing Little Things together because that's her favorite, and then we pass out.

Before opening my eyes I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, press the lock screen, open my eyes, and find the song.

I press the little arrow symbol to play the song, and just before I can I lowered my phone and began saying

- "you ready sof?"

Then I realized, Sofia wasn't sitting on the end of the couch where my feet were when I fell asleep...

I couldn't believe my eyes, I looked at Sofia and she just giggled. Like she was planning this, like it was no big deal.

She was always the one who could keep her calm.

A ball in my throat formed, my heart was racing and I knew I was bright red - I've always been one to get super nervous.

But this time it was a different nervous... I couldn't believe it...

How could Sofia be so calm with him sitting at the end of the couch?

Just in time to interupt my thoughts,

- "ello love, did I wake you?"

My WishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora