Chapter 18

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We all faded asleep entangled in each others arms outside Sofia's room

When suddenly, we were all abruptly awoken by Sofia being rushed out of her room and down the hall by a multitude of doctors. Harry and I stood up immediately screaming for someone to tell us what was going on.

It seemed as if nothing worked, no one could hear us, as if we didn't even exist

I could still hear the beeping of her monitor in the back of my head, amidst all the screaming, it was continuously ringing in my ears

It seemed like we were standing there for hours, when it had only been minutes.

Niall was still fast asleep on the floor, head against the wall. 

I had my hands in my face and Harry was pulling me into his chest, his head over top of mine. 

The doctor or nurse who had been explaining everything to us thus far, walked slowly in our direction, hands rapidly flipping through papers, and shaking her head. 

The first words to leave her mouth were "I'm sorry but..." 

I screamed "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO.." until my voice broke and all I could do was scream and break down onto the floor. 

"Her white blood cell level was just too low, and her brain couldn't handle the pressure from the fluid, I'm very sorry, we will call her parents as soon as we can, for now you may stay here." 

"NO" I screamed 

Harry couldn't break out a word, Niall was still asleep. 

Tears were streaming down Harry's face, eyes drooped, mouth dropped and his whole body seemed drained. 

I was in such pain I lost feeling in my legs, and I began to get dizzy from the amount of water I must've lost from crying so hard. 

It was as if my whole world crashed onto the floor with me, I wouldn't ever be able to explain the feeling in my chest and head at that moment. 

I couldn't move anything, I was so weak. 

Harry didn't move a muscle or say a word for several minutes, I didn't move from the floor, bent over like a broken animal, and Niall was still fast asleep, it seemed as if his snoring was impounded in my head, as well as the beeping monitor, as if they were right in my ear. 

For a while that is all I could hear, I couldn't hear myself crying, I couldn't hear the chaos amongst the hospital emergency room, I couldn't hear anything but the sound of Niall snoring, and the beeping of Sofia's monitor. 

*beep beep beep beep [snore] beep beep beep beep*

When suddenly, I felt someone shaking my arm, yet no one was around me, Harry was still standing motionless over top of me, and Niall was still asleep

Who could be shaking my arm

My eyes went blank, and suddenly I started to hear the chaos of the hospital again, and Harry's voice in my ear 

"Hazel, princess wake up! Wake up! Sofia's responding! Wake up!" 

"What?" I said, barely understanding what was happening

"Hazel we all fell asleep, I'll get Niall up and you go see Sof! She's back princess!"

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me up and I stayed in his arms. 

It was a nightmare. 

It was just a nightmare.

God I hope it was just a nightmare

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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