Chapter 4

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I don't think I have ever gotten more butterflies at once.

You know that feeling when you just can't stop smiling when you think about someone? Even for just a second?

I've been in love with this kid since 2011, when I found them.

In less then 24 hours, I saw my favorite band on stage performing doing what they do best, talked to 3/5 of the band members because Zayn and Liam were with their girlfriends, Eleanor couldn't come to Buffalo because she had a friend's wedding to go to.

But I hung out with 3 of my favorite people in the world, and the one I've just had that feeling for, even though I had never met him before this, just left me the cutest little note on my door.

I think I have been standing here for 5 minutes, just staring at the door, blankly, thinking about the most genuine curly haired goofball who has managed to make me so jittery, like he isn't some big celebrity but some new boy in my life

Maybe he is? I mean, this is flirtacious right?

Well it's Harry Styles, he's probably just trying to be nice to me because I'm a fan, I mean why else would he do this? It's not like he's interested, I am nothing special and he's well... Harry Styles

I turned the nob to the door and walked into something I'd never thought I'd see.

Niall had his arm around Sofia, and she was on his lap on the chair, arms drapped around him as they watched funny vines I assumed, giggling at the stupidity.

I thought it was quite cute, Sofia has always had the ability to make guys just automatically love her. She's sweet, kind, funny, intriuguing, basically a very typical perfect girlfriend.

She's an even better bestfriend.

But, this is crazy! She's cuddling and watching vines with Niall James Horan, the kid that she has tweeted over 16,000 times, fangirled over, made her background of, and just loved for so long through a screen.

Now she's in his arms.

It's obviously nothing serious, Harry told me Niall was a hugger and a cuddler, and that he was interested in her, but I wonder if something will be able to start with them leaving in just a few days.

That's why this is all just a crazy dream I'm going to wake up from any moment and tell Sofia all about it. We always do that, because we constantly dream about these things.

I pinched myself, and guess what? Still standing in the doorway of our hotel room looking at my bestfriend smiling bigger then I've ever seen her because this is something she could've never seen happening in a million years.

I know she doesn't think marriage (not seriously anyway) she probably doesn't even think anything will come from it, but how could you not be happy when you are in your hero's arms.

I decided not to interupt, but just to jump in my bed and watch T.V, nothing better to do because Sofia and I could stay here as long as we wanted, or even move to the other penthouse because her dad does own the joint.

I clicked through the channels, and what do you know "This Is Us" crosses my eyes, and I thought it would be weird to play it as one of the stars of that movie is literally 10 feet from me, but hey, you only live once right? I'm such a rebel.

I clicked the title so the T.V would play it, and the volume was blasting

Guess what part of the movie it was at?

Right at my favorite part, Niall was pushing Harry in a trash bin and laughing so hard. I don't know why I've always loved that part.

Niall obviously turned his attention to the T.V, as he knows what he sounds like and flashes me a giant smile, and then turns right back to the T.V.

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