Chapter 15

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It's been a week. 

It's been a week since the whole Sofia fiasco. 

She's okay, that's all I care about. 

Niall and Harry are still here, I have no idea how or why they are because they weren't planning on staying longer then a couple days because they have so much to do before their next tour starts and they're already pushing to work on their fifth album so it's not as difficult as the third one was to work on, or the fourth. 

Both boys were staying at our place, Sof came home on New Years Eve but she was told not to do anything too crazy, so we all decided to just do what we normally do and relax. 

I was kind of excited it was almost a new year. Start fresh, no problems, and with the best guy in the world by my side along with my two bestfriends.

I still couldn't forget what Niall had said to Sof just before she woke up, how in love with her he was, how he needed her. 

That was the sweetest thing, because he obviously meant it, I could feel his words. 

I wonder when he will tell her, so she can hear it herself. I don't think she was intuitive enough at that point to really hear him. 

We all watched Frozen, we always watch this movie as a group. 

Sof and I think it's adorable, partially because we're girls and it's typical for a girl to think disney movies are cute. 

Plus, Harry being the goofball he is, loves this movie, especially the song "Let it Go." 

During the movie, I couldn't help but let my mind trail off into a deep thought. 

Sofia was in the hospital for four days, Niall stayed there the entire time she was there, whether he was forced to be in the waiting room or allowed to be with her. He never left. 

I did a few times to shower, change, and sleep.

Everytime I went home, Harry went with me and we brought Niall clothes and whatever he needed when we came back. 

It was easy to tell, to anyone, that he was in love with her. 

He was petrified that he was going to lose her. 

Still pertrified that she doesn't remember things that had happened between them. 

They hadn't really had a full on conversation yet, just simple things. 

We all know she remembered him, she was begging for him when she awoke. 

But what if she didn't remember certain things?

Niall would be so disappointed in himself, he already blames the entire incident on himself as it is. Because of things that have happened in his past. 

Once the movie ended, I asked Sof if she wanted to go upstairs and change into comfier clothes, because she was still in her hospital gown and shorts that we brought for her to wear while she was in the hospital. 

She had just been too weak to change. 

I helped her up the stairs, and into her room, grabbed some pajamas and a sweatshirt for her to throw on and helped her as much as I could because I know she was still quite sore. 

Before we went downstairs, I had to ask her nonchalantly if she remembered anything regarding Niall. 

"So, how's it feel to be in Ni's arms again?" I said winking at her.

"The best feeling in the world."  she responded, and my heart rose. 

"He really is the best boyfriend for you Sof" I said

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