Chapter 14

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The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever, even though it's about 10 minutes away from our apartement. 

I couldn't believe how distraught Niall was. 

Sofia was okay, she had to be okay

What would I do if she wasnt?

The thoughts in my head were circling through the worst possible scenarios espcially when we walked through the hospital halls looking for her room. 

She was on the first floor, meaning the sickest patients at that given time. 

All I could think was my bestfriend, my partner in crime, my non-blood sister, wasn't going to remember me, or Niall, or anything. 

We walked in her room, at least Harry and I did. 

Niall ran into the room like a lost bunny rabbit and sat next to her in the chair he probably set up for himself and took her hand in both of his and kissed it over and over again saying "I'm so sorry"

I broke down the second I saw her. 

My whole body collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down my face, and I lost my breath. 

She had a tube in her throat, her eyes were shut, and her arms were had IV lines everywhere. 

The only noise in the room besides Niall was the beeping of the heart rate monitor. 

All I could do was look at her, my heart sinking every second that went by. 

She had a gash in her head that was covered in gauze wraps, and bruises on her arms. 

She looked absolutely terrible. 

I was on my knees, tears streaming down my face, and I was squeezing my own hands together, my nails ripping into my skin without me even realizing because I didn't know what to do with myself. 

In a matter of seconds my whole world flipped upside down. 

Harry pulled me up and tightly wrapped me into his arms as I lost it even more, and began crying harder into his chest, my throat closing more after each breath and the fear in my head getting worse after every second. 

The doctor came in to see what all the commotion was about, and gave me a second to collect myself before telling us the prognosis. 

"Right now, your friend I presume, isn't responding. The tube in her throat is to allow her to breathe without making her brain do any more work then it needs to, to put that into simpler terms. On the bright side of things, the brain damage is minimal. Although it seems much more serious looking at the state she is in, she will be okay. She has minimal damage to the frontal portion of her brain. However, this also means that memory is also a question when she comes to."

My heart sank more then I ever thought it could.

The doctor nodded at us, and started walking out of the room as none of us knew how to respond. 

Harry just held me tighter the entire time the nurse spoke, and occasionally rested his head on mine as he knew how awful I felt at that moment listening to her. 

"Excuse me.." I spoke up, but too softly for her to hear

"DOCTOR, COME BACK" Harry yelled

She swiveled around quickly probably thinking something terrible had gone wrong, but then grabbed her chest in relief when she saw nothing had changes with Sofia. 

"My girlfriend wanted to speak to you." He said holding me tighter. 

"I just want you to clarify what will happen to her memory. How much will she lose? Will she know who I am?"

"Right now, I really can't tell you. We won't be able to know if it will just be short term memory loss for a little bit until she recovers, or she may not remember much of anything for a while, or ever. Each brain is different, we're going to have to see how her brain reacts to the damage done in the accident." 

The doctor nods sympathetically again, and pats my shoulder before she walks out the room again. 

All I could do was cry into Harry's chest harder then I had yet. 

Niall began to sob as well, both of us fearing that she wouldn't remember us. 

I could feel my shoulder dampen as Harry shed tears to as well. 

"Hazel?" Niall softly says. 

"Yes Ni what?" I say in between the short breaths I take, as I look up at him. 

"I think her fingers just moved." he said with a blank expression on his face as he loosens his grip on her hand and places it softly in his, as he didn't want to completely let her go. 

We all took a chair around her bed, and watched her for what seemed like hours, all sniffling and tears streaming down our faces. 

We've become like a little family in such a short amount of time. 

We had been there for nearly 4 hours, without any sign other then maybe slight movement in her fingers of a response from her. 

Niall had already started to hold her hand tightly in both of his again and rest his head on the entanglement of their hands. 

In the silence of the room, Niall spoke up in between his short breaths from his sobs

"I love you. I love you so much, I was planning on telling you tonight. I'm so so so so so sorry, Sofia please, please come back to me. I'm so sorry. You've managed to become my world in a matter of weeks. You're the first girl to make me feel like I'm more then I've ever thought I was. I never believed I was talented compared to the other lads, I never felt like I was attractive either. I just, you make me feel like I'm worth something, I smile every day because of you. Whenever I'm with you, a smile never wipes off my face. You just mean everything to me, you are my everything, my princess, my world, I love you. God I love you and I wish you could hear me say that. You should hate me for what I've done to you. I shouldn't have put you in this situation. I'm such a terrible boyfriend. You deserve better then someone who can't even see you often. I just love you. I do. Please come back to me Sofia, please." 

He sobbed constantly throughout the entire time he talked to her. 

More tears fell as I listeneted to him just plead for her to come back and express that he loves her. 

I peeled his hand off of hers, took it in mine, and said she loves you to. 

We all sat, holding hands, sniffling and tears streaming down our faces waiting for her to respond, and I don't think any of us planned on leaving until she did. 

No one said anything after Niall spoke. 

None of us could. 

Until Sofia did. 

The tube in her mouth didn't completely cover her mouth, just the right corner, so if she did come to and say something, we could hear her. The doctor said they did that on purpose because the oxygen level wasn't low enough for a stronger tube. 

"Hazel" she said just faint enough that I could hear it. 

All of us picked our heads up and I jumped onto the bed, softly of course not to disrupt her and said "yeah sissy I'm here." 

"I want Niall Hazel where's Niall, my head hurts, I want Niall" 

"Sissy he's here, and I know it does, and it will, but he's here." 

I curled up next to her in the bed and wrapped my arms around her stomach, careful to not prod at the IV lines on accident, and Harry rubbed my back and stayed next to me. Niall held her hands tightly in his and stood over her.

"I'm right here baby" he said kissing her forhead and squeezing her hands. 

We all had tears streaming down our faces, but smiles stretching from ear to ear.

We have our Sofia. 

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