Chapter 13

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I wasn't sure how long Harry was planning on staying, but I didn't want to think about it because then all I would think about is the fact that he was going to leave. 

Plus, New Years is coming up and I would absolutely love to spend it with him, because I have a feeling this year is going to be the best year yet. 

Harry slept in my bed with me last night, Sof and I's apartement gets pretty hot in the winter because our building blasts the heat, so we didn't even sleep with a comforter, just a little blanket. 

I honestly didn't even need the blanket because Harry held onto me the entire night, our feet were entangled, and he was right up against my back, arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulder. 

It's crazy how much a relationship can build in a matter of a few weeks. 

But hey, time is only a matter of numbers. 

I had been awake for a good 20 minutes, and Harry still hadn't moved a muscle so I didn't want to wake him. 

All I could do was think. 

The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that my dad doesn't even know I'm dating someone, let alone my favorite from the boyband I've been obsessing over since the beginning of 2011, and it's now just about to be 2015. 

I decided to shoot him a text to have lunch with me, and my new boyfriend. 

My dad was always protective over me, but now that I'm 19, he was okay with the fact that I'm going to be dating, but he always wants the satisfaction of meeting the boy and approving of course.

Although he'll be quite surprised that he will be able to recognize the boy this time, because he is all over my wall in my room at his house. Him and the other 4 boys of course. 

I didn't even need to ask Harry, I'm sure he'd be okay with going to lunch, as long as I assure him it won't be hard to get my dad to like him. 

Harry is probably the most likeable person anyone has ever met. 

Plus, I'm pretty serious about him, and he seems pretty serious about me, considering the fact that just last night, he set up the single handed most perfect date I've ever had in my entire life. 


Dad responded.

-Hey H! I'd love to meet the new man of interest, and boyfriend? Wow! Didn't know you were talking to someone, crazy to think you're growing up so fast. Can't wait to see you, Pearl Street at 1:15? I'll call in.- 

-Sounds like a plan! Can't wait to see you!!-

-you too snugs, love you.-

He always calls me snugs, it's our thing. 

I was always a daddys girl, and at night we would snuggle up with my bear, and watch movies, hence the nickname. 

I've missed him like crazy, and can't wait to see him, and especially can't wait for him to meet Harry. 

In the midst of my planning, I hear a deep, husky, groan and  feel warm breath on my neck. 

Harry then rolls over top of me to the other side, pulls me into him and says "Good morning cookie." 

"Cookie?" I say confused

"I need a nickname for you besides the ever so classic babe"

"Well how adorable of you, but cookie?" I say questioning why he's naming me after a snack

"Alright, I'll spend sometime thinking about it babe." 

"Sounds good dork." I say kissing his cheek and hugging him back before I slip out from his arms and head to the bathroom. 

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