Chapter 11

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As I woke up, I was  wrapped in Harry's tight grip.

I squeezed him, and kissed him on the cheek, and then began braiding his hair.

I always seem to wake up before him, probably because he gets so much less sleep then I do, so when he gets the chance, he sleeps a lot. 

He looks like a teddy bear when he's sleeping.

Who am I kidding, he's always a teddy bear, and he's my teddy bear. 

I had a few hair ties on my wrist, so i put a few braids into a bun in his hair.

He didn't even move a muscle, it was so funny.

Then, I just stared at him, he was so precious. 

I wrapped my arms around him again, and kissed him, this time he woke up but he didn't even open his eyes he just began kissing me back. 

We laid there, kissing for a long time it felt like, slowly and every so often he would pull me even closer when I didn't think it was possible. 

He kept holding me tighter and tighter, running his fingers through my hair and resting one hand on my back, and then other on my head. 

I kind of liked the intimacy, because it's very hard when I'm not going to see him very often not to just take the chances we have to just be a couple.

We kissed for what seemed like an eternity, slowly, tightly, and just perfect. 

I pulled back and looked into his deep green eyes "Good morning curly sue" I said with a wink

"You're so hot." 

He dove right into another kiss, hard. 

He then pulled back and said "Oh I'm sorry, good morning baby." 

"Hehe" I giggle, running my fingers through his hair. "You're the best." 

"I know, I'm quite the kisser" he said, giving me a few pecks on the lips, before he got up and headed to the kitchen. 

I sat up and said "what are you doing?" 

"Making my baby some breakfast, got a problem" He said winking

I love when he calls me baby, because it just tells me he's protective of me. 

I sat down at the table, as he brought the plate full of food and two small plates for the two of us as well, plus two glasses of water. 

I take the glasses out of his hand in fear he would drop them, even though our floor is carpeted. 

He made sausage and pancakes, and they were very good, surprisingly.

"I didn't think you could cook this well babe, well done." I said smiling at him

"You underestimate my talents." He said with a pout on his face.

"Didn't I just say you were the best over there?" I say winking at him

"Well we all know I'm the best at-" 

I cut him off with a kiss 

"Thanks for finishing my sentence babe." 

"Anytime" I say

We both ate the rest of our breakfast, just talking about random things that we could think of. 

I loved that about our relationship, we can be goofy, bestfriends, or intimate. Our relationship isn't only physical, or not physical at all. We are emotionally and physically connected and I really liked that. 

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