Chapter 5: Beacon

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Alex POV

I was standing with my suit on. Weiss just entered my house and she saw bullet holes on my suit. Weiss looked shocked and I looked nervous.

Weiss: "What did you do?"

Alex: "Hehe, well. I trained in one of Stark Industries factories where they test new weapons. I wanted to see what it could do."

Just as I said this, the TV was turned on by JARVIS and it was news about the villages near Vale.

Reporter: "Victims of the latest attack from the Ten Rings claim to have been saved by a Knight in armor. One in particular was able to take a picture of this mysterious figure. Residents call him the 'Iron Man'. But one question remains, who is he and where will he be next?"

Weiss looked at me and she had an angered expression. I've never seen Weiss so angry before. JARVIS was able to remove the last of my armor and I walk to Weiss.

Weiss: "You fought against terrorists?!"

Alex: "Okay, yeah. I went to Vale and destroyed their camp. They had my weapons and I wasn't just gonna stand here and do nothing!"

Weiss: "What if you got hurt, or killed? What would we do? Why were you there fighting terrorists?"

Alex: "They had my weapons. The weapons that me and my father made. We built that missile to help people. But they were using it to kill them."

Weiss: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Alex: "I don't want you to get hurt."

Weiss: "I can handle myself!"

JARVIS: "Sir, you might want to see this."

JARVIS opened a hologram of the front door and it was General Ironwood, and Professor Ozpin. They were ringing the door bell and I was thinking if I should let them in or not. I decided to let them in since Ironwood was military and I can't ho against that. I walked to the front door and Weiss followed me. I opened the door and saw them staring at me.

Alex: "May I help you?"

Ironwood: "Could we come in?"

Alex: "I already have visitors. Perhaps another time."

Ozpin: "We'll just take a few moments of your time. We promise."

Alex: "Okay fine."

I let the two men in and closed the door. I took them to the living room and I sat down. Weiss sat beside me.

Alex: "So what do you want?"

Ironwood pulled out his scroll and showed me a picture of my suit.

Ironwood: "Look familiar?"

Alex: "Maybe."

Ironwood: "This isn't a game Alex. That thing took out one of our fighter jets."

Weiss: "Why are you talking to him like he is a criminal?"

Ozpin: "Everyone calm down. Mr. Stark, we just want to know if you know what this is."

I looked at Weiss and she gave me a look that told me that I should tell them about the suit I built. I sighed and I looked at Ozpin.

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