Chapter 7: The Docks

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Alex POV

It's been nearly two days and we haven't found Blake yet. Ever since the night she and Weiss fought, she's gone missing. Me and the team were looking for her in Vale now.

Ruby: "Blake! Blake!"

Yang: "Where are you Blake."

Ruby: "Weiss, your not helping."

Weiss: "Do you know who else might help? The police. Don't get me wrong, I want her back but we aren't capable of finding her like this."

Alex: "I've had JARVIS hack into all security cameras in Vale and there's still no sign of her yet. She really knows how to hide."


We all jumped up in shock. I almost tripped on everyone. I saw a girl with orange hair and green highlights on her clothes.

Ruby: "Penny, where did you come from?!"

Penny: "Hey guys, what are you up to. Alex! Why are you here."

Weiss: "You know her Alex?"

Alex: "Uh, yeah. I met her in Atlas. I helped her with some stuff."

Penny: "what are you guys doing?"

We all looked at each other debating weather we should tell Penny or not.

Ruby: "We're looking for our friend, Blake."

Penny: "Oh, you mean the faunus girl!"

Ruby: "Wait, how did you know that?"

Penny: "Uh, the cat ears."

Penny pointed to her head to show what she means. Now that she says it, it makes so much sense now.

Yang: "What cat ears? She wears a bow-."

Ruby: "She does like tuna a lot."

The whole team looks at each other in realization that Blake is a cat faunus.

Penny: "So, where is she?"

Ruby: "We don't know, she's been missing since Friday."

Penny: "That is terrible. Well don't you worry Ruby, my friend, I won't rest until we find your teammate."

Ruby: "Uh, that's really nice of you Penny. But we're okay really. Right guys?"

But before she could talk, we already left her with Penny. We went inside different shops to see if they know where Blake is but they all said know."

Yang: "Thanks anyway! This is hopeless."

Alex: "I hope she's okay.

Just as we were heading back out, my scroll started to beep and I took it out to know what the problem was.

JARVIS: "I have located Ms. Belladonna but there is a problem."

Weiss: "What's the problem."

JARVIS: "I have located her in the docks where cargo is being unloaded but at the same location, one of the Jericho Missiles that Mr. Stark asked me to locate became active. It seems the White Fang are there as well."

Me, Weiss, and Yang look in shock and fear. I knew what I had to do.

Alex: "JARVIS, send in Mark IV."

JARVIS: "Right away sir."

Yang: "Mark IV? What's that?"

Weiss: "It's complicated, but right now, we need to save Blake."

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