Chapter 13: Catching up

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Alex POV

I left the room with Neo and headed to the dorm room. While we were walking, I got a call from Pepper.

Alex: "Hello?"

Pepper: "Hey Alex, I'm gonna be arriving at Beacon with Ronald Terrence."

Alex: "Really? He's coming to Beacon?"

Pepper: "Yes, along with Winter. I just asked if I could have a ride with Ron and he was fine with it."

Alex: "That's great! Where are you now."

Pepper: "I'm in an airship. I'm almost there, probably 20 minutes away."

Alex: "Okay, great. See you there."

Pepper: "Stay safe kid."

Alex: "You're asking me to do that?"

Pepper: "Hahaha, say hi to Neo for me."

Pepper hangs up the phone. I told Neo that Pepper would come today and she seemed excited. We enter our dorm room seeing Laura and Azari having an arm wrestling match.

Alex: "What are you guys doing?"

Azari: "I was the champion in arm wrestling back in Wakanda. I will prove to Laura that I am still the champion."

Laura: "Good luck. I've been through worse. Bring it!"

After a few minutes of the two struggling to win, both stopped at the same time.

Alex: "Well, I guess no one wins."

Azari: "I must have lost my touch."

Laura: "Either that, or I lost it."

The two look at Neo but notice that she was wearing a mask. They looked confused for a second. They stood up and walked to us.

Laura: "Neo, what's that?"

Neo: "Alex made it. With this mask, I can speak again."

Azari and Laura were shocked but their expression quickly changed to happiness and excitement.

Laura: "We should celebrate!"

Alex: "We can celebrate tonight. Me and Neo have to meet someone today.

Neo: "Yeah. A really close relative of ours is coming."

Alex: "Well, more like a really close friend of our father's. But she's practically family."

Azari: "I know how that feels like.

Alex: "It's almost time for me and Neo to go, I'll see you guys later. We'll talk about the doubles round tonight."

Laura: "Okay, bye."

Me and Neo walk out of the room. We walk towards the outside of the school. On our way, we saw Ruby and Weiss who were running to the landing pad of the school.

Alex: "Hey Weiss! Wait up!"

Weiss: "Oh, I guess you saw the airship too?"

Alex: "No, Pepper told me she was coming in an airship with Ron and Winter."

Ruby: "Who's Ron?"

Neo: "A close friend of ours."

Weiss and Ruby jumped in fear when they heard Neo's voice. When they saw what Neo was wearing, they calmed down.

Weiss: "So your small project was a success. That's wonderful."

Ruby: "So Neo can talk now?"

Neo: "Yeah, but I need to wear the mask. If I'm not wearing it, I'm back to being mute."

Weiss: "I see."

We hear the airship land and when we ran closer, we saw Winter walk out of the ship with Ron walking beside her. Weiss ran up to Winter to greet her.

Weiss: "Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh, your presence honors us."

Winter: "Beacon, it's been a long time. The air feels different."

I walk up to Winter and when she saw me, she just glared at me.

Alex: "Hey Winter."

Winter: "Stark, you still owe Atlas a jet. If I recall, you destroyed one."

Weiss: "You what?!"

Alex: "Okay, but in my defense, they attacked first."

I looked behind Winter and I saw Ron and Pepper. Me and Neo ran passed Winter and hugged Pepper.

Pepper: "Hey slow down. I'm not as strong as you guys."

Neo: "I've missed you so much!"

Pepper: "So Alex made that mask of yours. I should have known Alex wouldn't keep you quiet."

Alex: "Hahaha."

I turned and I saw Ron. He was standing as still as a statue. His arms were on his back and his hair was shorter that I remembered.

Alex: "Terrence."

Ron: "Stark."

We stared at each other for a straight minute. We both looked serious at each other and then started laughing.

Ron: "It's good to see you Alex."

Alex: "It's good to see you too Ron."

Ron turned to Neo and I could almost see tears on his eyes. Neo and Ron walk to each other and hug.

Neo: "I missed you Ron."

Ron: "I missed you too."

After a while, me, Neo, and Pepper went to Vale to eat together. Ron went with Winter for military work. Weiss ended up coming with us. We were eating at a burger place in Vale.

Pepper: "So, how was school?"

Alex: "Oh, things have been great. My grades are up as usual and I've been liked by many teache-."

Neo: "He means that school was great, right?"

Alex: "Yeah."

Pepper: "And did you find anyone special? I heard there was a school dance that happened. Did you find a date?"

When Pepper said this, me and Weiss ended up blushing. Neo glared at me because I haven't told her about the school dance yet. Pepper just smiled.

Alex: "Well, ah. You see, I was erm, I mean."

Pepper: "If you're too embarrassed to say it then it's fine."

Alex: "I'm not embarrassed. Anyway, how's the business?"

Pepper: "It's been fine so far. But Mr. Schnee keeps bombarding me with calls about a partnership. I just keep refusing. Honestly, he's just annoying. No offense to you Weiss."

Weiss: "None taken. Though, he is rather annoying when he doesn't get what he wants."

Neo: "Guy needs to learn his place."

Alex: "Agreed."

We continue talking in the burger place. Talking about fun times at school and the bizarre adventures me and my friends had. It was really fun. After that, Pepper ended up flying back to Atlas on an airship. Me and Neo went back to the dorm to catch some sleep. We need to be prepared if me and Neo will be on the doubles round.

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