Chapter 11: Reunion

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Alex POV

A man was standing there with Neo. He had a mask on and whips that had an electric current. He had green hair and an Arc-Reactor. How did he get that?!

Iron-Man: "Who are you?!"

Whiplash: "You don't remember me? You burned my face to a crisp!"

Iron-Man: "Raza?"

Whiplash: "Not anymore, I'm Whiplash!"

I fire my repulsers at him but it had no effect. I was confused why because the shots I gave him should have knocked him back.

Whiplash: "Sorry Stark, but my suit id made of Vibranium. You chances of putting a dent on my suit are very slim."

He was about to whip me with his electric whips but Black Panther caught it with his claws. He looked at Whiplash and says

Black Panther: "My chances on the other hand are much higher. Iron-Man, take care of Neo."

I nod and Black Panther takes Whiplash out of the train and into the roof. I was left alone in the train with Neo. My own sister.

Iron-Man: "Neo, if you hear me, I don't want to fight you!"

Neo just smiled and attacked me with her umbrella. She kept swinging it until I caught it with my hand.

Iron-Man: "Please don't make me do this."

She didn't respond and punched my face. I activated my repulsers and I I shot at her. She kept dodging every blast or making illusions to trick me. I tried to punch her but she went to my back and stabbed me in the stomach with her umbrella. I fell to the ground in pain but that's when I noticed a bomb. Tourchwicks voice can be heard in the speakers of this car only.

Tourchwick: "Sorry Neo, but I don't have any use for you anymore."

The bomb activated and it said that there were only 10 seconds left. I grabbed Neo in the shirt and I flew us out of the train before it exploded. When I landed, Neo looked at me confused. She did sign language to me which caught me off guard. Jarvis translated what she said to me.

Neo: "Why did you save me?"

Iron-Man: "Because you are my sister and I promised Pepper to bring you home."

Neo: "I'm your sister?"

I removed my helmet showing my face. Her eyes widened and started to fill with tears. She grabbed me, embracing me with a tight hug. I hugged her back and we stayed like this for a while. When we let go, I wiped the tears of her face and I smiled.

Alex: "You're gonna be okay now. I promise you everything is gonna be okay."

Just as I said this, Whiplash threw Black Panther to the floor. Black Panther was knocked out.

Whiplash: "Heart warming, but this ends now."

Alex: "Your right."

I put on my helmet and activate my repulsers. My suit was at 75% power. That's more than enough power to take Whiplash down. I fire my repulsers several times at him. Then I fly to him, tackling him to the wall. He whips me with his whips and wraps me around with his whips. My armor starts to melt and I start to get electrocuted. Before any major damage was done, Neo attacked Whiplash with her umbrella. He wasn't faced by this and just smacked her away. Now I'm mad

Alex: "Jarvis, full power to chest reactor."

My chest piece started glowing and it fired at the whips, destroying them. Whiplash started punching me. I remembered that Vibranium was weak to sound based attacks. I readied my sonic emitters and fired them at Whiplash. He was knocked back and I punched his mask knocking him out. I run to Neo helping her up.

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