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Nayeon POV

The nurse excuse herself after finished putting bandage around my left arm. She told me to not move my arm too much or it'll bleed again.

After the incident ended, the principle ordered all the students to go back to class and continue the studies like usual.

The cop arrived after I put the guy unconsciousness. They dont asked me anything about the scene but Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon just stated that the guy is a stalker of her even though he isn't.

This is why I refused to almost all undercover mission since its pretty dangerous for people around you and big possibility for you to get exposed for your mission.

But at the same time I feel relieved that no one care about me or there's no one that I should care of since they'll get hurt if the enemy find out about it. They'll use them as my weakness to against me for sure.

This is why I always distancing myself. Being cold to the other persons even I dont mean it. I just dont want to put them in danger. Same goes to Jeongyeon. We dont have anyone in this world. We are both orphan so there's no one will worry about us even we got killed or what so ever.

My thought got stopped when I heard unfamiliar voice clearing his throat.

' You're good at fight ' he said and showed me his charming smiles that I admit it itself.

I just looked at him coldly since I don't know him.

' Seems like we aren't introduced ourselves yet right ? ' he asked but still the smiles glued at his face.

' You're the new student ? ' I asked him back and he just nodded.

' I thought there are two of you ? ' I asked again as I look around the room to find another figure but no one was there.

' You must be mean Kang Daniel. ' He said and scratches his back head. ' Anyway im Mingyu. Kim Mingyu ' he added coyly while offering handshake and gladly I received it.

He then look hesitated making me looked at him clueless.

' What ? ' I asked making he looked at me deeply as he stares in my eyes.

My eyes widen as I recognized his face . I know him. No wait! I met him . I saw that eyes before. I tried to remember him but failed making he chuckled.

' We met at the club ' he told me even though im not asking.

I just humming at him as respond.

He then glanced at his wristwatch and quickly excuse himself.

' Nice to meet you again Im Nayeon sshi ' he said before left me alone in the room.

The way he talked to me is just weird. He seems to know me so well. He even knows my fullname and the way he said my name is just something is up.

I took my cellphone and texted Suho. I told him to send the file that I ask him before about the new students and gladly he found it.

I read the contains in my phone as my eyes read the word one by one trying to find something strange but there's nothing wrong with their background. They are clear. I let out a heavy sighed since my feeling are wrong this time.

' How do you feel ? ' a familiar voice greet me at the door. The bell just rang signalling it's recess time.

I dont bother to answer him but get rid off from the bed. As I tried to pass him, he pull my arm to make me back into the room. Fortunately he drag my right arm or I'll make sure I finished him already.

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