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Hoseok POV

' Hi ! ' I greet Nayeon who are standing infront of the school building.

She just turned to me to let me meet her bored face.

The class got dismissed early since all the teachers have meeting to attend.

' I heard about you met Yoongi's parent ' I said as I took place beside her while eying the students who are walking towards the gate.

She hummed as respond and maintaining her pose.

' Who's sent you ? ' I asked. I can see at the corner of my eyes that she's turning to me with her shocked looks.

' What do you mean ' she asked with her cold voice making me turned to her and let her meet my smirk. I raised my eyebrows to make her feel more annoyed as she serves me her death stare.

' Who's send you to home ' I said making her expression change to the relief one. ' Where's your car ? ' I added and looked around.

' Jeongyeon got something to do so ' She didn't finished her words but I got what's she means by that. Jeongyeon must be took her car I guess.

I excused myself and walked towards the parking lot. I looked around and found that all the boys already went home since their cars aren't here.

I went to my car and start the engine. While waiting for the temperature increase, I looked at Nayeon who are still there at the school building looking bored and annoyed.

Thought Im gonna just passed her as my car started to move but I stopped right in front of her. What's wrong with me. I lowered the car mirror to meet her face.

' Have a ride with me ' I offered her but she looks hesitated at first. Thought she's gonna rejected my offer but I was wrong when she walked to my car and went to the seat beside me.

I don't talked about it but started to drive my car. Gladly, she told me first that she lives at Cheongdamdong Apartment so I don't need to ask her anymore.

' Why did you offered me a ride ? ' she asked while her eyes focusing on the road same goes to me. ' Yoongi asked you to ? ' she added making me smirk and took a light glanced at her.

' I just feel like to. ' I answered her and she's just hummed to me as respond. That's a long silence before I break it. ' So what's your feeling after meeting your future in law ? ' I asked and chuckle with my own words .

I can see her from my side that she's rolling her eyes. She must be uncomfortable with my question I guess.

' Yoongi never bring a girl to meet his family ' I said but this time in my serious tone after she didn't respond to my previous question.

' So ? ' she simply replied making me sighed. I know that she knows what I mean but she's just pretend to be clueless.

' I dont know what's really happened between you two but - ' I stopped my sentence to make sure I attract her attention before finished it. ' I can tell that he's started to develop feeling - ' she immediately stopped me.

' Bullshit! We aren't real. Your friends and you must be know about it right ? ' she said in her irritated tone and tried to control her tone. ' And about feeling ? We don't have feelings to each other. Stop saying that - ' I dont let her finished as I stopped my car since we already at the parking lot of her apartment building.

' You don't know how the feeling will come ' I said and send her my cold stare but she's just maintained her poker face . ' Dont hurt him. That's it ' I added and pointed to the door at her side signalling her to get out from my car before I burst out.

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