You Get Into A Fight/Argument

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Jacob: The first fight you ever had was over Bella. Typical, right? You didn't understand why he was still always at her every beck and call. You began to question if he still felt something toward her. He'd spent the day with her and you had no clue what they were up to. The two of you were supposed to spend the day together but he canceled last minute for her. He had called and all he said was, "I'm sorry, I can't make it today. Bella needs me." You wanted to protest but you knew it was pointless. It was always Bella. You sat on the edge of your bed for a moment, defeated. Of course he would choose her. Well fine, if he wanted to be up Bella's ass all day, he could. You'd spend time with your friends, who choose you. You called Paul and asked if him, the pack, and the imprints would like to go to the beach to hang out for the remainder of the day. Everyone agreed. You all met up at La Push beach and you explained to everyone what happened, they all knew something was up when they saw you.
"You're kidding, right? You're his imprint! Why the hell is he still up that leech lovers ass? I didn't like him much before, but he's sure as hell making it a lot harder to tolerate him," Paul looked disgusted. Everyone did. No one understood it. You tried to distract yourself though, everyone started acting a fool and having a good time, making it easier to feel a little better. It had worked great until Jacob showed up...with Bella. Clearly he wasn't expecting to see you there, or any of the pack for that matter, because he looked surprised when he found you all playing soccer on the sand. He looked almost guilty. And Bella just looked awkward, as always. They made their way over, causing the game to pause and a few of the guys to snarl their noses. This had to be a stupid joke. You felt yourself getting angry. Paul and Jared stepped up beside you, ready to be at your defense like they always were.
"You're dumb as shit, showing up here with her," Jared spat. He sounded just as disgusted as you felt.
"Look, Jared. I don't have to explain a damn thing to y-"you laughed, it was dry and sarcastic. Was he being serious? "
Yeah? Well you should at least have the balls to explain it to your girlfriend," Paul interrupted. Jacob got quiet and looked between the three of you.
"Guys, I'll be fine. Go ahead and head back to Kim and Rachel." They gave Jacob dirty looks before making their way back to their imprints. Bella was still standing next to Jacob, a little too close in your opinion. But, what did that matter? You raised a brow, "Well? Got anything to say?" He looked from you to Bella. "Bella, can you give us a minute?"
The two of you had ended up yelling at each other.
"It's not what it looks like or sounds like! I don't have feelings for her anymore. Edward left and she needed a friend!" You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Of course, Edward had left and Jacob was the one to appear.
"Okay, I get that part! But why didn't you just tell me that? It hurts me when you do shit like this! Sometimes I feel like I will always be second to Bella." And he said nothing, he gave you nothing but a stare. And because of that, you walked away.

Seth: The two of you never argued. You would always talk things through before it got to that point. And you very rarely ever get upset and frustrated with each other. It was hard to when Seth was so positive and understanding. He's patient and tries to look at everyone's side of things. When you can tell you're getting frustrated with each other, you sit the other down and you talk it out. You figure out what's wrong and you work through it. You listen to each other and communicate. It's why you work so well together.

Embry: It wasn't a serious fight or argument at all. Embry was waiting at Emily's place for you to get there. You had a rough day and he wanted to be there for you. While he was waiting, he found a bag of cookies and thought to himself, "Well, why not?" He ate them all and plopped down on the couch to wait for you to show up.
When you walked through the door you made your way to the kitchen. Yelling a "Hey, I'm here!" to Embry, you went to find your cookies.
"Hey baby," he called out. You couldn't find your cookies. You had left them right there on the counter, where were they? Embry appeared in the kitchen. "Have you seen my cookies?" You questioned. His face fell and he averted his eyes.
"Those were...yours?" No. No, no, no.
"You ate my cookies!" You shouldn't have been as upset with him as you were, but you had just had a terrible day, felt really emotional, and those cookies were the only thought that got you through the day.
"Look baby, I didn't know. I'm sorry," he apologized. And you could tell that he was. But it didn't help all that much. "I had been looking forward to those cookies all day." You felt tears form in your eyes and Embry felt as if he was going to cry.
"I'll get you more, I swear! I'm sorry!" You grew quiet and he noticed. "Fine. But I'm not talking to you until you get them." He nodded.
"Okay, when do you want me to go?"
More silence.
Silence again.
"I'll go get the cookies..."

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