Chapter 27

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I've never been in love before.

I've had crushes. I'm 18 years old, I've had lots of crushes.

The thing is... being in love... is it sort of the same as having a crush? Because... if it is, then by multiplying what normal crush felt like by a hundred then maybe it'd be somewhat close to what I felt when I thought about Rebecca.

But then— Becca was my friend. A friend. And I didn't have many of those. You can't like your friend. You can't fall in love with your friend... you can't do those things, not at this age because... it'd ruin it. We were about to start living our lives. About to go uni, start living as a new adult but that didn't mean we were going to snap our fingers and completely change.

I had no idea what I wanted out of life. I had no idea if tomorrow I'd wake up and I'd despise... eggs for breakfast, I don't fucking know...

How was I supposed to know that this thing that I felt for Becca would be there for long? How was I supposed to know that it won't ruin our friendship? Even though, there was really no way to have a friendship when you somehow always managed to make the other person angry.

Yeah, Becca was mad at me... again.

I don't really know why because... well, I don't think I've done anything to make her mad but then again, you never really know.

I rushed through the corridor, dodging people as I went. Maddison was surely around somewhere. I know she had second period with Danny. So, I looked around until I finally saw her. I speed walked and just my luck, I run into someone. He was, like usual, wearing a suit without its jacket, his shirt's sleeves were rolled up his arms.

"Asha, how many times have we discussed about running in the hallway?" His smile was teasing, he shook his head at me. I looked past him, trying to get away from him but he blocks my way.

"Yeah, hi, Mr Miller, I'm in a bit of a hurry—" I point past him, trying to get away but again, he gets in the middle. "Mr Miller... I gotta go."

I rolled my eyes, dodging past Mr Miller and running away, rushing to Maddison... wherever she went.

I know I should've probably been nicer to Mr Miller and stayed behind to see what he wanted but right now, my teenage drama seemed too important to care.

When I finally find them, Maddie and Danny are by the lockers, Maddison was showing Danny something on her phone and Danny was laughing at it.

"Finally," I breathed hard, my legs shaking from running. Yeah, I wasn't the sportiest girl out there. "I've been looking for you."

"We were just walking, how are you so out of breath?" Danny mocked, laughing at my lack of stamina.

"Can I— talk to Maddison, please Danny?" I didn't wait for Danny to reply, I grabbed Maddison's hand and I led her into the first empty classroom I found.

Maddison stood there, resting her body against the wall, looking down at her phone. Her lack of interest gave me time to calm my breathing. I think about what it is that I want to tell her, about what I want, about what I feel.

And right at this moment, I felt angry.

I wasn't angry before, but, right at that moment? I couldn't believe I had to chase Maddison around the whole freaking school because ever since the thing in my room, she had been ignoring me. As if I was the one that did something wrong, as if she was the one who was mad and not me.

I stared at her, wondering what it was that made me want her like I did. When she looked back at me, I took in every detail of her face. Her grey eyes, the brown hair, the straight nose, her thin lips— what was it? It wasn't the way she looked because, yes, Maddison was pretty, she was very attractive but it had to be more than that. What was it about her that kept me wanting her to come back to me?

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