16. Baby Baby Baby

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*It doesn't say last names in the movies so I will give them a last name so Wyatt Christensen!*

It's been nine months since our pregnancies and the hunters have been quiet which is weird. I need to get dressed. Brynn and Wyatt had a girl and a boy. Braxton Zack and Harper Sage Christensen. Their so cute, Harper has blonde hair and blue eyes while Braxton (Brax) has brown hair and brown eyes. They look so adorable. Wyatt and Brynn got engaged as well two days ago. Me and Zed are just waiting for our baby to join the world. Zed walks in and smiles. He kisses my stomach and we have breakfast.

We sit outside and look around. "My parents don't like me still but I love you" said Zed. "I love you too" said Jade. I suddenly feel my waters break. I look at Zed and we rush to hospital when all of a sudden Zed gets a call from Wyatt. "The Hunters... their here" said Wyatt. "Jade is having her baby.... what are.... OK.... OK Thanks to Evie for coming" said Zed. "Hunters are here. Evie is coming here" said Zed. "G-go!" said Jade. "When this baby is born" said Zed. I nod and soon it's time.

I'm pushing for hours it seems when we hear a cry. "It's a girl!" said Jenn. I smile and they go clean her off. I smile and they hand her to me. "Eden Bonnie Johnson" said Zed and Jade. I smile and Zed has a cuddle before he goes. Evie walks in. "Looks like you both" said Evie. I smile. She has brown hair and brown eyes. I smile at her and then they check us. They then discharge it. Once we get home, I lie on my bed and breastfeed Eden.

Zed's POV

When I arrived, the hunters were talking. I walk up and look at them. "What is your problem with Jade?" asked Zed. "Witches! Magic!" said the leader, Jackson. I frown. "My girlfriend, my life. You will not kill her or her family" said Zed. They smirk and we begin to fight. I hit and kick. Eventually we do win. Everyone looks at me. We got this massive jail built for them. No windows, the doors had no key holes. Locked by a chain, bullet proof, no window on the door. They have a hard bed, a toilet, sink and a seat. Nothing else. Serves them right. We throw them in and throw away the keys. Oh the food goes down this pipe way too small for people, I mean it's tiny big enough for a bottle of water to go down and a baby plate with porridge, porridge three times day.

I go home. I see Jade sleeping and Evie looking at Eden. "Hey Evie" said Zed. "Your back, I must go but Jade's been asleep for two hours, I think she'll be hungry" said Evie and she leaves. I kiss Eden's forehead and walk over to Jade. "Jade, I'm back. We got them. Want dinner?" asked Zed. She opens her eyes slowly. "Your safe" said Jade and she kisses me. "I am. Dinner?" asked Zed. "Oh yes. I better feed Eden" said Jade. I watch her breastfeed for a bit before I go to cook dinner. We sit down and enjoy some food. Well I make brains while I make her chicken and chips. I smile and we relax for the night before we go to bed.

We go to bed at 11.

Today was good. We defeated the hunters and we're alive!

I hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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