20. New Baby

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I'm now 9 months and I'm knackered. I want this baby out. I'm more tired than I was with Eden. Zed made me pancakes which is yummy. We relax. Eden is wither Brax and Harper. I look around and I feel something burst. "My waters broke" said Jade. Zed grabs me and brings me to the car. We drive to the hospital and we get there. 

We check in and they lay me on the bed. I look at Zed. "We have one more kid after this one so Eden can get her sister" said Jade. Zed laughs and nods. We share a kiss and then wait till it's time. It feels weird that we're having a son. 

3 hours later I am finally pushing. I push like hell for this baby. I hear a baby cry. "A boy!" said Jenn. I smile and they clean him. They then put him on my chest and I kiss his head. I soon feel a pain. "I-I feel a need to push!" said Jade. I push and soon another baby cry comes to the room. "It's a girl? You have another baby" said Jenn. They hand her to Zed after cleaning her. I frown and smile. "Wow we just had two babies. No more now" said Jade. Zed chuckles and we share a kiss. 

Eden along with Wyatt walk in. "Brynn's just settling Brax and Harper down." said Wyatt. We nod. "Um we had twins" said Jade. "Wow" said Wyatt. "A boy and a girl" smiled Zed. Eden squeals. Eden wants to come up so Wyatt picks her up and places her on the bed. "Meet Cooper Rex and McKenzie Rae Johnson." said Jade. Wyatt smiles and the rest walk in. Brynn instantly gasps.  "Surprise, we were surprised too" said Zed. Brynn laughs and we talk. 

They soon go home and the next day we go home.

They both have brown hair and brown eyes. God we have identical kids. Their adorable though. They are lives and always will be. 

Eden loves them both, god she tells us to shut up when their sleeping. You'd think she was the mother of them not me. Zed loves them. Their our lives, all 3 of them. 

We go to bed at 8, all of us. We're bloody tired!

We have our three kids!

Last chapter next!

I hope ya enjoy!

Lorna xx

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