how you met!

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jacob thrombey!
y/n is marta cabrera's sister. everytime marta went to the thrombey's house to help harlan, y/n would hope jacob was in town. they would see each other, but never talk. on the night of harlan's birthday party, y/n noticed jacob was sitting by himself on the stairs and decided to talk to him. they didn't get along well but after y/n found herself in a problem, jacob helped!

jacob barber!
y/n went to school with jacob. they would occasionally talk, mostly when they had projects together. one day the school was shut on lockdown and no one knew what was happening. y/n tried to get to her friends but was pushed by everyone and ending up sitting in between jacob and his best friend, derek. y/n knew jacob's dad was a district attorney so she silently waited for jacob to hang up the phone with his dad. she decided to ask him what he knew and he told her that his dad said he couldn't talk about it. they continued to whisper to each other and have their first ever real conversation!

jaeden martell!
y/n and her parents were family friends. jaeden and y/n grew up together and kind of always knew eachother!

jack dylan grazer!
y/n and jack were neighbors. y/n moved into the house next door to him when she was eleven. their rooms were across from each other so they would see each other through the windows. y/n had a small crush on jack but never really knew him since they went to different elementary schools. on the first day of high school, y/n and her two best friends were walking to their class when y/n accidentally tripped over someone's shoes. she looked up to see jack and they have been best friends from that day foward!

finn wolfhard!
y/n was bullied in school and finn was friends with the bullies. he would just stand and watch the bullies torment y/n and after he would help her up and make sure she was okay!

wyatt oleff!
y/n was a popular youtuber and she was most known for her videos where she "tried" to play mario kart. wyatt always watched them with jaeden, finn, jack, chosen, and jeremy. he would go on about how he could beat her and how she needed him to teach her how to play. one day the boys secretly told y/n about how wyatt was obsessed with wanting to help so she came over and surprised him. they've been gaming buddies ever since!

chosen jacobs!
y/n and chosen met at their recording studio. chosen had just finished recording his song and y/n was about to go and start recording hers. she heard chosen's voice and was amazed. his manager suggested that they should collaborate and y/n thought that was a good idea. after chosen heard y/n sing, there was no way he would say no. they made a song together and have been close ever since!

jeremy ray taylor!
y/n is wyatt's cousin and was in town with her parents. they stayed at wyatt's house and he invited jaeden, jack, finn, chosen, and jeremy. when they arrived wyatt and y/n were playing super smash bros, y/n obviously winning. jeremy wanted to go against y/n and so they did. y/n won and was the overall champion and left jeremy in awe!

bill denbrough!
y/n and bill met in art class. y/n saw his drawing of a boy in a yellow jacket and a small paper boat in his hands. she told bill how good his art was and he blushed. he saw her drawing of her older sisters, who moved away, and was mesmerized. he asked her to teach him to draw and they've been art partners ever since!

eddie kaspbrak!
y/n and eddie met at the pharmacy. eddie was in an aisle with his friend grabbing things frantically while she was waiting to pick up her mom's medicine. she turned to see the boys and saw eddie was already staring at her. his friend, bill, elbowed him and eddie fell out of his gaze. he showed a smile, cheeks bright red, making y/n smile and let out a small giggle. y/n got her medicine and walked to the exit, eddie stopping her. he asked her what her name was. they exchanged information and he invited her to the quarry the next day!

richie tozier!
y/n and her brother walked into the arcade, running to the street fighter game. they quickly put their tokens in and started playing. y/n beat her brother. richie and eddie walked in and saw her from a distance. richie walked up to y/n and challenged her. richie won the first round and y/n challenged him again. y/n won and they played for hours!

stanley uris!
y/n's dad was a rabbi and was friend's with stanley's dad, who was also a rabbi. he invited them to stan's bar mitzvah. they didn't get a chance to talk before but they did after. y/n was very impressed with his speech and even joined another boy, richie, in a round of applause before her mother scolded her. after y/n told stanley how she thought his speech was great and he was happy!

mike hanlon!
y/n was a homeschool kid and mostly worked with her aunt in the library. she got to know ben pretty well and he invited her to come on a adventure with him. there she met mike. mike and y/n both got along well and both started doing homeschool together!

ben hanscom!
y/n and her sister often went to the library to destress and there y/n would see the same boy, ben. one day they both were in the same aisle, looking for the same book. they both reached for it at the same time. they laughed and they both decided to read it together. turns out they were both nerds about derry's past!

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