Chapter 12

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Goldenshine's POV

My eyes opened slowly to see that it was nearly dawn. I lashed my tail, stretched, and let out a huge yawn. I turned my head down to my empty nest, and remembered that Swiftkit had not slept next to me, for he was still in the medicine den. I hated not having Swiftkit sleeping next to me in the nursery, but Jayfeather had insisted that I give him some space while he rests instead of being in hysterics in front of him constantly.

It's crazy, I thought, I was never such an anxious cat until I had a kit!

I let out another yawn before leaving the nursery, deciding that I may as well go outside and watch the patrols be assigned. Brambleclaw was already under the Highledge, directing cats as they approached him. He gave me a quick nod in greeting as I settled down near where he was.

"Miss patrolling?" he asked me as soon as he had sent out the dawn patrol. "I could send you on a hunting patrol if you want to get out for a little bit?"

I smiled at Brambleclaw, appreciating the kind offer, but I had to decline. "Thank you, Brambleclaw, but I think I should stay in camp while Swiftkit is recovering."

There is no way in StarClan that I am going to leave him while he's in there, in pain.

Brambleclaw blinked at me in understanding and then continued on with his duties. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Pippy and Dusty emerging from the apprentices' den, where they had been sleeping since they had arrived in the Clan. I turned my head to them and gave them a smile.

"Hello!" Pippy exclaimed, running up to me, touching her nose to mine. Dusty looked down at his paws and then up at me, then saying shyly but kindly, "Hi, Goldenshine." I nodded to him as he walked up to join Pippy and me.

"How did you all sleep?" I asked them, genuinely curious.

Pippy stretched out and then answered, "Wonderfully! I never would've imagined that sleeping under the stars would be so nice!"

I tilted my head at her. "Nicer than sleeping in a Twoleg bed?" I asked, narrowing my eyes and smirking.

Pippy then hesitated. "Well, I don't know about that yet!"

Dusty rolled his eyes at her and puffed out his chest. "Last night was probably the best sleep I've ever had!" he answered.

Pippy nudged her brother. "Huh, really? That's funny." Then she spoke to him in a quieter voice that I think only Dusty was supposed to hear, but I did anyway, "You seemed to spend half the night talking about how awesome Goldenshine is!"

I froze as I overheard this, trying to hide my smile. Dusty talks about me?

Dusty's eyes widened and he batted his sister over the face with a sheathed paw. "Hush!" he hissed quietly. Then he spoke in a louder voice. I could tell he was trying very hard to think of a way to explain himself. "Honestly, who knows what I was talking about? Pippy barely listens to me half of the time."

"Hey!" Pippy exclaimed, nudging her brother again.

I shook my head slowly at them and let out a purr of amusement. I was still in shock at what Pippy had said though, and my heart was beating so loudly I thought for sure the two kittypets would hear. My stomach felt as if it was full of butterflies.

I was brought out of my thoughts though when I saw Firestar emerge from his den, with Sandstorm close behind. His ears perked up as soon as he saw Pippy and Dusty. "You two! Just who I was coming out to find!" Firestar leaped off of the Highledge and walked up to the three of us.

"I have been meaning to check in with you two to see where you stand with ThunderClan," he began. He then nodded to Dusty. "I know you seemed pretty intent on staying. Is this still what you want?"

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