Chapter 1

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Freshman year. I made it.

I never would've thought that I would be walking through the halls of Bridgewood High. I have never been more nervous in my entire life! Not even when Michael Brandy asked me to go to the movies with 6 of our closest friends back in grade 5. I guess now is where I start my adventure in high school. I finally get to start what is meant to be the best 3 years of my life. Yes, I know, I am insanely cheesy, but that doesn't stop me!

"Ainse!" Monica, my BFF since kindergarten, yelled.

"Hey! I'm so glad I found you."

"We need to hurry to our homeroom, it's just down the hall."

We briskly made our way to homeroom and took our seats just before the final bell rang. This is it. This is the start.

"Welcome," our homeroom teacher began, "My name is Mr. Gonewell and I am your homeroom teacher...obviously. I am here to give you all the information you need about high school. Class information, safety, where the bathrooms are, so on and so forth." As the class continued on, and we got all the certain paperwork, my nerves started to disappear and the excitement came rushing in. Today was designed where we got to visit all our classes and then the following day would be the normal schedule. My first semester classes are math, PE, English, and social history. I am not the biggest fan of history, but I don't really have a choice in the classes I take until the future years.

The day zoomed by and I barely met any of my new classmates. There were so many new faces! I guess that's normal though when all the elementary schools from around Bridgewood come together.

Bridgewood isn't an insanely big city, but it's not a small town either. It's kind of both. We have all sorts of schools and buildings, and our population is over 80 000. It's located in the north east though, and we're surrounded by all these beautiful mountains that echo the Rockies. Which, by far, is my favourite part of this town.

Monica and I got home, and bombarded the pantry. I always have the strangest after school cravings. I went from munching on some chips and guac, to eating some of my mom's famous brownies. My mom is a baker. Even though she's lawyer, she loves to bake, and I help her at any time I can.

"So, what do you think of high school?" Monica asks as she stuffs the last of her brownie into her mouth.

"Well, it's only been one day, there's not much to say."

"Yeah, but there is one big difference."

"And what's that?"

"All the hot boys!" 

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