Chapter 9

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I finish curling my hair into beach waves, put on my black long sleeve romper from SHEIN and went downstairs. My family and I then got into my mom's Honda Civic and headed for the school. The gymnasium was set up all nicely where the bleachers were tucked in, the floor was swept and shined, and in the centre was a black stage. It had a long table on it and behind was a singular black chair that was posted between the table and the backdrop that contained our school's logo. There were white LED lights on tripods placed on the side of the stage, positioned perfectly, for the broadcast. In front of the stage were rows of chairs slightly filled as more people came in. I waited beside the stage with my soccer coach and dad as we waited for everyone to arrive. As the nerves started to build up, Todd came over.

"You're going to be great." He says as he pulls me in for a hug, kissing my forehead.

"Thanks. I just hope everyone understands."

"They will. Everyone knows the difficulty behind this decision, and they're all here to support and celebrate you. I'm going to go sit with your mom, Monica, and Jeremy. We're front row." He gives me one last hug, then jogs off. After he left, my principle came up to me.

"Okay, we are all set. So, I will do a quick introduction and thanks on behalf of the school, then it is your time to shine. Sound good?"

"Yeah." I sigh nervously, absolute terror in my eyes.

As the principle goes on stage, my dad gives me a reassuring hug, "You'll be great, just don't sit there and not talk."

"Gee thanks." He laughs then heads to the crowd. As I look around, I see almost everyone who has affected me and my journey to this moment. Teachers, coaches, teammates, friends, family, Mr. Gonewell, even some referees. There are a few press people in the front asking my principle questions, but someone was missing. Kaeden. I thought he was coming. He said he would be here. He even texted me last night how excited he was. I don't understand, did something happen to him? Is he okay?

"And now I'd like to do the honours of welcoming the wonderful student athlete herself, Ainsley Summers." My principle announces.

As everyone applauds, I step onto the stage. I sit at the table where there is

a navy blue table cloth and three baseball caps placed evenly. Each cap had its corresponding logo on it, Duke, San Jose, and Toronto. There was a mic set up slightly to the side, but pointed towards me. I sat down, and stared at the crowd. Silence. I catch myself frozen in the moment when my stare falls on my dad who mouths "Breathe". I take a breath and begin to speak.

"I just wanted to start off by thanking everyone who is in attendance. This has been one crazy journey and every single one of you here has been apart of it. And now, as I become closer to graduating high school, I have to start making bigger decisions for myself. I start that path by deciding which university I want to continue my academic and athletic journey."

I pause slightly and feel tears staring to surface. I pull myself together when the back-gym door opens and Kaeden comes walking in. We lock eyes and the tears fade back. He takes a seat in the back row with the biggest smile I've ever seen. He gives me the signature nod and I continue my speech.

"I have struggled for the past semester trying to figure out what I wanted for my future as it is a very big decision. I didn't want to mess this up. I have been constantly on edge, not knowing what it is that I want. However, a good friend of mine told me that even though I am being pulled in all these different directions, there is just one direction that I wanted to be pulled more to," I pause looking at Kaeden and a smile creeps up on my face.

"and this advice has allowed me to come to a final decision of attending this school." The cameras start to flash and I feel everyone's eyes on me. Complete silence drops as I reach my hand out to the dark blue baseball cap. I place it on my head and smile brightly to the crowd.

"I have chosen to attend Duke University located in North Carolina." 

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