Chapter 18

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A whole month passes by and we have officially graduated. I've spent the whole summer working and prepping for my move to North Carolina. I was leaving in a week and I decided that I would say my goodbyes to whoever wanted to. I put a post on Instagram asking people to DM me if they wanted to meet up for a final goodbye. I was surprised with the amount of people who responded. I even got responses from people I knew way back in elementary school.

I spent the whole week arranging meet ups with people, saving my closest friends for last. Rebecca and I decided to meet up at the high school field where we won playoffs. We spent our time kicking the ball around and playing a good old game of crossbar challenge. The loser would get nailed with the ball by the winner. I ended up losing.

"So, I guess this is it." Rebecca exclaims.

"Yeah." I feel the tears beginning to surface. I was saying goodbye to my partner in crime. We hug for a long time. As we pull away, she says,

"You better score a wicked free kick again. Or else this all was for nothing."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll score, and when I do, I'll do our handshake with the crowd, just for you." We give on last quick hug and do our signature handshake so effortlessly.

"Make sure you come back yeah?" Rebecca mentions as she gets into her car.

"Yeah." I respond.

The next day, I decided to meet up with Todd. He was a big part of my life and if it wasn't for him, I don't know where I'd be, or the type of person I would become. I owed it to both him and myself to have one final goodbye.

We met up at Mount Pin and he brought Chewy along. Once we reached the summit, the three of us sat on the bench, admiring the view.

"Are you all packed up for Duke?" he asks still facing the view.

"Yeah, it's going to be one heck of a drive."

"Yeah, have fun with your dad's music playlist." We both laugh.

"When do you leave for Indianapolis?"

"Next week, after you." We make eye contact now. Just fading away from everything. Time stops again, just like old times. Except this time, it really felt like the last time I would every feel like this again with him. I felt closure.

"I just wanted to thank you. For everything. For being apart of my life and challenging me to always achieve my highest and for proving to me how strong I actually am." I state breaking the silence.

"Ainsley, there is no one else in the whole world I'd rather spend my high school experience with. I wanted to thank you for making me into a better person, and I know I've said this before, but I am truly sorry for betraying you. I don't think I will ever let myself live that down. I am so proud of you and I hope that you have nothing but success in your future. I mean that."

I believe him. Yeah, he messed up, but that doesn't make him a terrible human being. I know I shouldn't be so easy on him, but this last conversation may be the last one forever. It was something we both needed. I can feel it.

"I don't accept your apology as you can understand," I respond, "but I do appreciate the apology." We share a quick embrace then head back down the trail. I wouldn't say all is well, but there definitely isn't any bad blood. 

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