Chapter 16

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My team and I ended up doing decently well at Provincials. We finished in fourth place. The whole tournament was live-streamed, so everyone got to watch it at school. Once we got back, I met up with Monica.

"So, Jeremy and I got accepted into Bridge University and we plan on moving into res together!" She squeals.

"That's awesome! Congrats!" I reply.

"Yeah. So, we'll be with Kaeden."

"Yeah, you'll get to watch his games."

"Speaking of Kaeden," she trails, "I think that boy may still like you."

"No Monica. Firstly, he never liked me in the first place. Secondly, he's one of my best friends, how could he ever see me that way."

"Oh, careful Ainse. Sounds like you care about his opinion." She smirks. Man, she's good. Maybe I do have some feelings. We have been talking a lot. I was texting him the whole time while I was at provincials. He just makes me feel safe and secure, something I didn't really feel that much when I was with Todd. However, with Todd, it felt like time stopped. I never knew what "being lost in the moment" was like until I met him.

"What makes you think he likes me?" I ask, tapping out of my trance.

"Well he kept mentioning you when you were gone and every time you texted him, he had the biggest smile on his face. Facial expressions don't lie hun." She sips her tea.

"Even if he did, it doesn't even matter. I'm leaving anyway."

"So, you wouldn't even try long distance?"

"Not for a brand-new relationship, no." I respond.

"Even if you don't want to try a long-distance relationship. Why would you guys not come clean about your feelings for one another? Like you said, your leaving anyway. So, what's the harm?"

Monica kind of had a point.Why hold back? There isn't much to lose. However, what if we do startsomething. Then feelings grow, and then next thing I know, I'm broken hearted.Except this time, it could have been prevented. 

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