Chapter 11

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Monica was sitting on my bedroom floor doing her makeup while I was deciding what to wear for Jeremy's party. He actually ended up going through with it which was quite impressive considering it's Jeremy. He doesn't pull through for much. As I pull out my red lace up back cami top from my closet, I check my phone.

You can count me in!

A smile lingers across my face. It was Kaeden.

"Did Todd send you an 'I miss you text'". Monica asks as she applies her mascara.

Caught in the act. Why did I smile at his text? Like, I'm glad he agreed to come since he's one of my best friends, but I feel guilty for smiling like that. Monica was right, I only smile at texts from Todd like that.

"Um no," I lied, "my dad just tried to humour me with one of his classic dad jokes.

"Of course he did." She replies, not even phased.

I put on my black ripped jeans and finish my make up. Then, we head out to meet my mom.

"Now, you know the rules girls. Don't do anything too illegal in harms way. Or, if you do, don't get caught. Your dad will pick you guys up around 2, but if you want to come home earlier, just call us." She states firmly.

"Okay. Thanks mom." I reply giving her a hug.

"Thanks Shannon." Monica yells as she jumps out the car. She always calls my mom by her first name. Sometimes, she even calls her mom herself since we are that close after all. Her family is mine, and mine is hers.

Once we got inside, Monica hid her bag in our signature corner in the laundry room and brought out some of the booze. Some of the football guys already started a game of pong, and most girls were taking photos for their Instagram of course. Gotta get those likes somehow. Monica and I quickly said hi to our boyfriends then we went to talk to the girls. Some of my teammates, already tipsy, and some girls from Monica's Spanish class were there.

"Hey girl!" Chelsea yells as she falls into me, "Congrats on Duke! I can't believe you're going to the big leagues."

"Yeah! Maybe you'll go pro." Hailey budges in, also falling into me.

"As long as she remembers to come back to visit us when she gets her Nike deal that's fine with me," Rebecca implies while pushing them off me, "why don't you two go check on the soccer guys, I think they're out back."

"Oh yes!" Chelsea yells, again.

"Yeah, let's go talk to George." Hailey exclaims following Chelsea.

"Thank you." I say cheering Rebecca's drink.

"What would you do without me?" She laughs

Rebecca has been my soccer bestie for forever. We met at a soccer camp in Calgary when we were 11. She was from Canmore and she was moving to Bridgewater later that fall. She enrolled to the same school as me and ever since, we've became the unstoppable duo. Rebecca plays wing and I'm the fullback on her side. I have never met someone who loved soccer as much as I do. I guess that's how we really bonded. When we hung out, we either played FIFA, watched soccer, or played it outside. I know we're not as close as Monica and I, but she still is one of my closest friends. Unfortunately, this is the last year we get to play together since she is attending MacEwan University. She plans to play her 5 years of eligibility, but after that, she won't be competing in soccer anymore. It is very likely that she won't continue since it's hard to be recognized for the Women's Division when you are located in Canada.

"So, you're really going to Duke eh?" she asks

"Yeah. C'mon, you were at my press release." I respond.

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