Chapter 17

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Finally, the big night has come. Prom night. Am I excited for it? Absolutely not. Okay, maybe a bit, but only because there's going to be cake. I have somehow managed to be going with Kaeden. He asked me with a little promposal when we went on a hike in Banff. It was a 'neighbours' weekend trip. Once we reached the summit, he pulled out the poster out of his backpack and it had a cheesy saying on it, "I would be on top of the world if you go to prom with me?"

Monica and I were getting ready with a few girls from school. I put on my slim-fit, strapless, shimmery, gold prom dress and design my hair into a low, curly bun. My make up was done lightly with a touch of gold and my shoes were faintly gold platform stilettos that I had to practice walking in for 5 hours. Man, was that a sight to see. The boys meet us at the bottom of my stairs and Kaeden greets me with a corsage.

"You look beautiful." He mentions.

"Why thank you. You look handsome." I smirk. We laugh as we make our way to the truck. Neither one of us have mentioned anything about our feelings towards one another, but I'm starting to pick up on some clues. We've been hanging out a lot more, been Face Timing a lot, he'll drop sudden compliments, and some of his friends are speculating the same thing. We make our way to the gymnasium where the prom is set up with blue and silver decorations. In the corner, there are big, silver helium balloons that say "Grad 2019".

Time goes by and it has been a long night of dancing. I am sick of the cha-cha slide and YMCA. Superbass by Nicki Minaj played and took all my energy out of me, so I went outside for some fresh air. Eventually, Kaeden came out with some cake.

"I come bearing gifts." He asserts.

"The only reason I came to this thing." We cheer the cake and stand there munching away.

"It's really nice outside" He states.

"Yeah, the stars look really beautiful."

"Almost beautiful." He whispers under his breath.



"Okay, come clean."

"Easy-on, what are you on about." He asks.

"I mean, where's your head at?"

"About?" He asks curiously.

"I don't know. Anything?"

"Is Monica putting ideas in your head again?"

"No. Why?"

"Never mind." He scuffs.

"Don't do that." I respond.

"Do what?"

"Just slyly drop a bomb that may or may not explode depending on how it's handled."

"Okay, I'm sorry." We both stand in silence, tension slowly building up. I feel like I can barely breathe. My heart is racing and my stomach feels funny.

"The truth is, I did like you during Freshman year, not Kim. I couldn't tell you though because I was too much of a chicken." I felt my face starting to blush. That son of a gun. I started to feel my emotions fluttering. It was as if I have been waiting to hear those words for the past 2 years to realize how I truly felt about him. I liked him then and I like him now.

"What about now?" I ask.

"You're one of my best friends and I care so much for you, but feelings like that, not anymore." My heart sank. I was basically rejected in the most subtle way possible.

"I'm glad we feel the same way," I lied. I couldn't admit my feelings. We hug it out, then head back inside. 

Uploading the last three chapters in a few days! Thanks for reading thus far :)

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