Chapter 5

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**Time jump to senior year***

Senior Year. Man, what a wild ride it has been. There have been many tears, laughs, emotions, and memories. But I can't wait to be finally out of here. I've been working hard the past couple of years and have been fortunate enough with 3 different soccer scholarship offers. Duke, San Jose, and University of Toronto. I still haven't decided yet as it is a big decision. Like, it dictates the rest of my life pretty much. So I'm not taking this lightly. Over the past couple of years, I have gained many friends, but even lost some too. Whether it was for the better or worse, I'm still trying to figure that out for some. I pick up Monica and we head to Frenzie's for a quick coffee stop before school.

"Finally! Senior year baby!" Monica shouts out the car window.

"Do you wanna calm down? I haven't had my coffee yet." I laugh

"But this is so exciting Ainse! We rule the school now and nothing can stop me. Not even Bradley with that new Daisy chick."

"Bradley was sooo long ago! You've been with like 3 other guys since then." I fire.

"Don't call me a slut. I just have my ways with the boys." She winks at me, then puts her sunglasses on.

We made it to school and into homeroom right before the bell rang. It gave me deja-vous from when it was our first day 2 years ago. We sat next to Kaeden, then Mr. Gonewell walked in.

Kaeden and I have drifted apart during junior year because we had no classes together. However, that didn't really change how close our relationship was, we just didn't talk or hangout much. We did drift quite a bit over the break though because his sister passed away in a car accident.

"Good morning seniors" Mr. Gonewell slams a stack of papers on the desk, "I have your last few papers for you to fill out, EVER...enjoy."

The bell rings and we all head to our classes. This year, since we are seniors, we treat it as a normal class day. No more "going to every class and playing games" for the first day. My first class was English. We watched a classic slam poetry video and did a write up on it. After lunch, I had AP history. Over the past years I have grown to like history more and I decided I want to peruse it in post secondary. To my surprise, Kaeden was sitting by himself in the back.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked as I sit down. Not really a question then.

"No, go ahead. But I see you've already done so." He laughs.

"How've you been? My mom stopped by with some pie. I was going to come with to check in, but I was in Los Angeles."

"I'm good, and thanks. I appreciate it. The pie was delicious as always."

"So, how's baseball going?"

"Good actually. I got a scholarship to Bridge University."

"That's awesome!"

"Yeah. What about you? I heard you got a bunch of offers."

"Uh yeah. A few, I just haven't decided yet."

"Like?" he asks, leaning closer.

I was about to answer when the teacher entered the room and started the lesson.

"Lucky this time Summers." He says with a smirk. We pull out our books and begin the lesson. I'm glad that our dynamic hasn't changed even though we haven't been in touch much. After class, I met up with Monica and Todd in the school parking lot.

Yes. The Todd Myers. He happens to be my boyfriend. I know, crazy. I met him in freshman year right before one of my high school soccer games. He is a defined man. He's 6'2, chocolate dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and the most chiseled jaw line any woman can see. He's built strong, lean, but not too lanky. Oh, and he plays for the football team. No biggie.

"What's going on beautiful." He nods as he puts his arm around me.

"Good, how was your day?" I ask, pecking his nearside cheek.

"Good. I had math and health and fitness. What did you have Monica?"

"Drama and Spanish," She looks up from her phone, "Did you talk to Jeremy about the game tonight?"

"Yeah, he said he'll stop by your house before he goes for warm up."

Jeremy is Monica's boyfriend who is also on the football team. The classic homecoming opener is tonight. It is a tradition at Bridgewood that the Senior Football team plays their home opener on the first day of school. Before Todd left, he gave me his football jacket and a quick kiss. I drove home to have my usual pantry rave. When I got home, my dad was already there, beating us to the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.

"Hey kid," he said while munching like the cookie monster, "how was school?"

"Good until now," I say snatching the container from him, "are you and mom coming to the game tonight?"

"Of course! We're getting drinks with Gary and Beth before, then we'll be at the field."

"Okay, sounds good. I'm driving with Monica, and we'll probably go to the tailgate party after."

I do my dirty blonde hair into a high straight pony, put on my lulus and a grey Patagonia long sleeve underneath Todd's jacket. Once I was all done up, I left to grab Monica. We got to the field right before the senior's walk out and got seats in the front of the stands.

The game went on and the boys ended up winning 27-11. After, we all headed to the tailgate party, which is another tradition at our school. Todd had his arm around me while we sat in his cargo bed, facing everyone else, eating hot dogs.

"So, have you decided where you wanted to sign yet?" he asked.

"No. I still have time though. What about you?"

"You already know babe; I'll pick the school nearest to you."

"I know," I sigh, "But I already told you, BABE, that you don't have to choose your school based on what I do."

"But we're a team, and we said we were gonna try this out in university. Didn't we?" He says as he slightly pulls away from me, positioning himself to face me with his entire torso.

"Yeah we did." I say looking down at my Nike's.

"I just think long distance would be easier if we were as close to each other as possible. Yeah, it's not going to be the same school, but at least we'll be in the same state which makes things a bit easier."

"I just don't want you to get mad if things don't work out in your favour, then have you blame me for it." I exclaimed slightly raising my voice.

"I would never blame you for that. It's my decision. My god, I don't know how many times I have to remind you that," he states as he gets up, "I'm gonna go get some Gatorade. Did you want anything?"

"No. I'm just going to go home." I get up and leave without saying another word. 

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