Chapter 12

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I woke up this morning feeling shitty. I was still in my party close from last night and I didn't take off any make up. Monica was still passed out cold next to me when I went downstairs. Kaeden and his dad were crashed on our couches. Luckily, Kaeden's dad is a nurse, so he rushed over once we got home. He didn't want to take Kaeden home as he thought it was best that Kaeden didn't move due to his injuries. Fortunately, he just has a few rough bruises and a minor concussion. I grabbed a big glass of water and went outside onto my deck. I just wanted to have some time to myself. My emotions haven't exactly caught up with me yet. I think I'm still in shock with everything that went down and my adrenaline is still trying to balance out. Monica opens the deck door and joins me on the sun chairs.

"Hey." She says softly.

"Hey." I respond.

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't know. It hasn't hit me yet. How are you?"

"Well, apart from the fact that I have a massive hangover," we both giggle, "I am furious at that scumbag."

"I don't really wanna talk about it just yet." I state.

"That's okay. Let's make pancakes."

Monica and I carefully made our way into the kitchen and started making the pancakes. We didn't want to wake up Kaeden or his dad. Once they were finished, Kaeden's dad walked into the kitchen.

"Do you have any ice?" he whispered.

"Yeah," I reply heading to the fridge, "how is he?"

"Why don't you go ask him yourself."

We both head over to the living room. Kaeden is lying on the couch, slightly propped up. He has a black eye and a scratch just underneath it.

"Here buddy." His dad mentions while placing the ice on his ribs.

"Thanks." He sighs.

"I'm going to get the truck, then we'll head home."

Luckily, they only live a five-minute walk down the road, but if Kaeden were to try and walk there, it would feel like a year. His dad eventually returned and took Kaeden home. Then, Monica went over to Jeremy's to help clean up. Once they all left, I went back up to my room and binge watched Gossip Girl. 

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